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Everything posted by Art

  1. Art


    Sorry but WTF are you talking about?
  2. oh just in case no one wants the dolphins or saints i can do that 2
  3. Dirty Sanchez QB USC Graham Harrell Texas Tech was a very close consideration but Sanchez shows more tools to excell at the next level. Although it isn't by much.
  4. With the 1st pick in the 2009 NFL Draft the Detroit Lions select:
  5. I'll draft for the Lions or the Browns.
  6. Kenny's ideal woman is passed out on box wine. That girl is clearly awake. He has come to terms that it is easier for him as well as the girl if she cant remember anything about the time they spend together.
  7. Art

    American Idol

    Yes, I watch American Idol. I watch the first episodes and the very last episodes. Well tonight was the first and a few girls could really sing. The BEST part was at the very end, A blind young guy early 20's, came in for his audition. He sang a Billy Joel song really really well. He gets his ticket to Hollyweird, exits the room and Ryan Seacrest and his family are waiting to congradulate him. Cane in hand he hugs his family, Ryan Seacrest starts his interview with a high 5 that stalls, lingers, and eventually becomes a handshake that is thrust into the singers hand. Way-to-go Seacrest! Offer the blind guy a fucking high 5!!! Oh a dumb ass hot girl in a bikini offers to make out with Seacrest, he couldn't even pretend her lips were a penis and kiss her back.
  8. I dont have to run from you.
  9. Really not doing anything wrong. The stupidest shit keeps happeneing to tear them. well its monday night at 2:20 I am sitting on the computer watching old videos and playing games. My life is hell. Someone drink a beer with me and tell me about the real world.
  10. just an up date on this old ass post. So since the 1st injury i have re-torn a meniscus on the same leg, had that fixed. Then I tore my right ACL in feb 08, 4 months after that i re-tore my left ACL I just had both ACL's fixed december 10th and have been sitting at home since. I am bored to death. I go to phys therepy 3x a week but other than that I have no life.
  11. makes me proud to be from SUNBURY!!!
  12. the browns are using stategery to move up in draft order? there were seeing if having a good corner will help the D. Not that leon hall is a good corner but they wanted to see if 3 ints would help score points. Super bowl browns next yar!!!!!!
  13. wow very nice car. looks great. you need to tell your wife "watch the wheel hop, its a bitch into second gear" nice color.
  14. I see that car all the time on riverside dr in UA ive seen it in the rain, cloudy, sunny, cold,warm it has to have 5k on it already...
  15. really like this 1 maybe the best http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaHKWxeeLZI&feature=related
  16. I can out drink 97.2% of this board. I said soda because it makes me feel less like an alcoholic. So, ya, we left the game at halftime. The last 3 games i've gone to with the wife she wants to go early everytime. This excuse was she was cold. this is after I had given her my coat. I told her to dress warm and in layers. I was wearing a a jersey and a super thin fleece liner to the coat that she was now wearing. I was damn near vibrating from the cold. So insted of taking the coat back and causing an argument, I agreed to go. As we are walking out of the gates the bucks score. when we get to the car the bux score. I am never taking her to a game again. PERIOD. As soon as I found out I had won she wanted me to sell them. Fuck that! Then I asked if I could take a friend. Of course she says no. If I ever win anyting again I'm gonna just take a friend and go. So, full circle I win tix, but i still lose. DO NOT GET MARRIED!
  17. I had a shit day at work, so I asked the Wife to meet me at our local village square tavern for a soda after work. After talkin about our days for about 30 minutes I asked if she wanted to go to Kroger so I can find something to make us for dinner. Ended up being steak and potatos again. I was walkling around the store with a chew in, I forgot a spitter so I headed to the bathroom to take it out. Near the bathrooms at our new Kroger in Sunbury is a Buckeye store, 1460 The Fan was there with Paul Keels. I walked by to go take out my dip, and they had asked If I wanted to sign up for Michagan OSU tix. I politely declined, because of the work around the house that needs done. I was going to DVR the game and watch it after dark, to get the gutters clean roof sealed and odd jobs outside. While in the bathroom, I talked my self into filling out the card, whats the chance I win right? Gave the story about filling out the card, and not expecting to win. 1 hour after we got back from the store with dinner cooking I get a call from a weird #, I told my wife before I answered the phone "here's 1460 csalling to say I won"! She laughs at me. It was 1460, I did win! 2 tickets! It's my first Michagan OSU game ever! Now I gotta get ready to go to the game! GO BUCKS!!!!!
  18. Fuck It I'm Doing It!!!!! Doing What? Watch The News!!!!!!
  19. wow nuff said facial expressions are lolricious
  20. whatever happened to this car?
  21. don't make too much fun of it the owner is handicaped (parking space) and may not know any better
  22. Is that Fred Ricarts other son?
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