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Everything posted by Art

  1. Yeah the pain sucks. Kirk, I sent you a pm on my doctors. Their is a lady in new orleans says she can fix it with a pint of chicken blood from a rare ethiopian chicken. I leave tomorrow for ethiopia.
  2. Art

    holy crap

    thas sum craze shit mang
  3. Sand volleyball at flannagans is the devil. I heard it pop and crack about 4 times on the way down. The girl across from me asked if the noise was my keys or my knee. I assured her it was my knee. I was helped up and limped to the bar where I got a shot and a beer. I then came back to watch the rest of the match to be a good sport. I drove my 5 speed from flannagans to Sunbury with the wife in the car. This morning the pain was much worse than when it happened. So, here is kinda the list of my soon bionic knee. Complete tear of ACL, partially torn MCL, severe sprain of LCL, fluid in knee, irregular cartalidge in patella, torn medial meniscus, few other things I still dont understand. So far, Doctor visit, and MRI, go to the ortho tomorrow. I "won't" walk for 6-8 weeks, surgery is next week, I hope. With alot of physical therapy i might be back to normal in 3 to 6 months. Now I cant sleep because it hurts to much. I need an automatic to drive
  4. that is funny lets go to campus
  5. I was just coming to see if i knew the girls, that way i can help them with their problems and maybe get them to church.......... yes I always drink zima and mikes hard lemonade why?
  6. Kenny, say it aint so , say it aint so!!!!!!!!! nice rimzeseses dawg.
  7. nice boat, good luck with the sale, wish my order of operations was, boat then house, not the other way around. should be gone quickly.
  8. Ive had 2 supras that made it well into 200,000 miles and then sold them for 1500 or so with the mileage. not bad to work on, parts-a-plenty, but it is a heavy fat girl of a car. That is a ton they are asking for it though. show them $4500 in 20's and see what happens. does the T.E.M.S. work? that can get expensive. nice mileage on it.
  9. Wow nice looking rx7...... free bump, cool car.
  10. OH, NEVER NEVER NEVER push the trip in while moving it will snap the odo cable and stop counting mileage. everything else will work but it will stop counting mileage....
  11. I remember this car being on ebay not long ago.... it was in indiana right? The house across the street looks like a shopping mall. Just busting balls, I wish I had enough to pick the car up. looks nice.
  12. not impressesed, I would rather 3 10"s or 12"s half the power, and not worry about the 400lbs brick in my backseat. Oh, I would have an extra 5 grand to play with also.
  13. nice car I have an 89... I want the spoiler
  14. I like the gunmetal, black on black is it right now BUT, IMO those wheels are supposed to be used as props on a personal submersiable (a 1 man submarine)
  15. Art


    GD i missed it.... I want to know when the next session is.
  16. 7 days of not eating.
  17. Art

    Role Play Sex

    that is pretty funny
  18. Salma. I like her she got a purdy mowwwffffffffff. That pic of her is one of the best.
  19. BBS RS-GT so nice http://www.tirerack.com/images/wheels/bbs/swap/bbs_rs_gt_db_ci3_l.jpg
  20. was that on hbo? I think I kinda remember it.
  21. nice junk yard mass air. My 2 cents are actually 3, 'cause i'm fat.
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