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Everything posted by Art

  1. Art

    97 Celica 5speed

    a pound of weed and 2 bags of doritos
  2. I think I may have seen that at easton about a year and a half ago.
  3. I love Alum creek, if I see that green boat I will get your attention.
  4. Art

    VW bus

    that is very nice. how much fun would that be...
  5. hey this is art's wife. I work at a dental office and to tell you the truth most insurance companies make money off of you. Dental insurance is completely different than regular medical ins and unless someone needs a ton of work it doesn't pay to have it. Also, there is always a yearly max which is usually $1000-$1500 and that alone might only cover one or two procedures. Does she have an oral surgeon that her dentist referred her to? Depending on how far away it is for you, I would suggest calling Drs. Cook, Carnes, & Montgomery- they have an office in Worthington and asking them if you paid outright how much it would be. They are very reasonably priced and are great oral surgeons. They did my wisdom teeth and my office always refers patients to them. Take the money you would put into insurance and set it aside for the fee at the office. Also, does she have to have all four pulled or just a couple? Depending on the type of sedation she wants that can also affect the price a lot. So check out your options and see what they have to say!
  6. glad ima guy..... enuf said.
  7. Art

    what a dick

    man I hope he does...."He's gonna do that shit to the wrong person eventually"
  8. Art

    OSU Michigan

    I've been hearing on 1460 the fan that if both OSU and those other people win out... the prices may be climbing all the way to $750-800 a ticket and that is just to get in The Shoe. Some tickets have already been sold for $4,000, I dont remeber where I heard 4grand though.
  9. hey this is arthur's fiance Meghan...... We got all of our furniture & tables from sofa express... good pricing plus no interest for 5 years. No one could beat the price or financing, but we can definately tell that the quality is shit! Our furniture is already falling apart, $3500 later. We will never buy from them again because their stuff just isn't worth the price for then amount of time it holds up!
  10. Art

    OSU Michigan

    hot girls in that section
  11. im drunk, i have in house vag....... i win
  12. I've seen this car, it really is a great price at $1300. From what I can tell it needs nothing. good luck. hope it goes to some1 that will love it, and do AWD doughnuts in the snow
  13. This is making me laugh... I really dont know why.... hope it hasn't been posted b4
  14. sold give me a call tomorrow 403 0728
  15. My brother-in-law needs steelies and crap wheels for his 98 civic as cheap as possible... car is getting totaled out and he needs stock wheels to get his wheels off.
  16. I didnt c the feedback thats great!
  17. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/CIVIC-HB-WITH-JDM-B16-TURBO-FROM-SPL-INTEGRA-GSR_W0QQitemZ290032709724QQihZ019QQcategoryZ6256QQtcZphotoQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem bad ass and a steal at 3 million.
  18. Art

    Water treatment

    Edited. Please contact a CR Admin for advertising details.
  19. Art


    Dr. Postle in mill run (hilliard) the OSU dental school is the Postle dental clinic, that was his Dad. My soon to be wife also works there.
  20. I dont care if the fish tank is bow, or box. I will take it.
  21. I have 1080i, 480p and 720p for around a grand, a 99 inch screen that will be a 27 foot screen during the osu texas game. projectors are win.
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