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Everything posted by suffocateXfaster1647545505

  1. The motor I had in the Fox took a crap on the freeway and out of nowhere started knocking hard. My father is looking just for a replacement, he is really trying to salvage what he can and not junk the car. I've tried to sway him into just throwing a 2.3T into it. (Which if anyone has one on here feel free to let me know some pricing.) But at this point he just wants a replacement. So long story short, looking to pick up a 2.3/2.3T motor that anyone has lying around that isn't going to shit overnight lemme know! I don't get on here ALL to often due to my hectic work schedule and 3 month old daughter, but I'll respond as soon as possible. If you want a more direct contact you can get ahold of my old man which in the long run be easier. He can be reached at 614-746-3292 (Randy) - David
  2. I did a quick search and couldn't find it posted. CR werewolf club?
  3. Wow, I'm surprised that thing is still listed. It's been on there for quite a long time now. Beautiful car though. If only I had an extra 17k just laying around...
  4. Damn and I just picked up a 36 inch huge ass tube TV that honestly probably weighs more than this thing, I know. I know, I'm behind with the times... Free bump! GLWS.
  5. Mark me down on an XL for both, PM me payment mumbo jumbo.
  6. Thanks to all you fools I have to wait 2 months now. You know how hard it is to postpone a wedding?
  7. Man, talk about hitting the gym. Hardy har har.
  8. New video for me. I remember when I was in the Academy Track way back when our professor told us that he was involved in a shooting (Non-fatal, not a shootout guy pulled a gun on him while running off). He thought that he had shot twice, turns out the whole clip had been emptied. I can't imagine the adrenaline rush into your body in regards to something like that, good Lord.
  9. I thought it was the new Black Eyed Peas single. But the similarities are startling, toss up for sure.
  10. I thought the same until some jackass broke into my $200 dollar Oldsmobile Calais. Bastard busted the lock and stole the STOCK radio out of it, only for me to find it later in the alley (I guess tape decks aren't all the rage anymore?). A thief is a thief is a thief, no heart.
  11. ugh, caught me right between pay periods. If this is still around by the end of the week lemme know. Free Bump.
  12. I have a 2000 CSVT and love the car to death, not fast at all but I really enjoy the overall performance of it, and it handles relatively well. Only issue I've had is blowing differentials and the transmission went out at 67k. But it makes for a great DD. I always have liked the styling of the Contour over the Focus, just not really feeling the hatch. The CSVTs are a blast to drive they just they don't like floggings, mine was sure to pass that bit of information by me. But other than the transmission (previous owner beat the hell out of the poor car) and a differential the only other issue I've had is the damn side skirt jack point plastic things keep falling out. The car has 146k(ish) miles on her right now and still starts right up and runs just fine. Get out and drive one around!
  13. Craigs List never fails to impress. No matter what the car is: It's faster than God, handles on rails, and will get you laid. All backed up by all capital letters the whole way through. It took me a damn good number of times reading over that to even notice it had a phone number listed. Reminds me of the "Grand Dam" that was listed not to long ago, thought it was a mistake, clicked on the link.. Throughout the whole post referred to the car as a "Grand Dam". On a sidenote, MUST TEST DRIVE. I can only imagine with the sheer performance this car must put out, the fear of God is bestowed into you the second you get behind the wheel.
  14. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs436.ash1/24101_383621021446_514771446_4346952_2694824_n.jpg
  15. http://hphotos-sjc1.fbcdn.net/hs336.snc3/29405_1269357900173_1416600139_30664512_4523732_n.jpg Car belongs to a buddy of a friend of mine. I can't help but think to myself, how soon till they add the key'd racing stripes.
  16. The Boston Baked Beans owner also has a orange Tropicana Durango. He used to go to the gym I go too. I haven't seen his car in awhile. Talk about UGLY.
  17. This man speaks the truth.
  18. My wife and I just bought a 2004 KIA Optima 2.7 v6 iirc with 75k on it for a grand. We needed a car with the addition of our first baby. I must say, I've been pretty impressed with the car. It has a decent amount of power, it's reasonably sized for a four door, easy to get the baby in and out. And looks wise isn't too shabby but not anything to shit the bed over. The new one looks real sharp. I like it.
  19. Dave would never let you forget it has a Cummins in it.
  20. Seeing that truck really got your mind spinning.
  21. Nice set of cars you got there man. I gotta ask, photos of the SVO?
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