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Everything posted by suffocateXfaster1647545505

  1. Is this still sitting out there? I know a buddy who is interested in heading your way and taking it off your hands.
  2. Drink Steel Reserve till you can't see straight. Then piss on the someones girlfriend.
  3. Holy shit man. I was drooling over that car when I first saw it in the Pics & Vids section. I know what it's like to lose something you put loads of money, sweat, blood into. Fucking sucks. As said before, cars are replaceable. Human life is not. This could have turned out much worse, just glad to see you came out relatively unscathed man. I just came back from a funeral a couple days ago where a very good friend was killed in an auto accident. You're fortunate brutha.
  4. I was waiting for someone to point this out, the link I posted IS the free two day pass ticket. As stated above you just pay 20 dollars for parking.
  5. I figured a little CR competition never hurt. I'm on daily, I just work second shift which means I get on around 1am. Always up for a game or two. o SyCkSyDe o ("Oh's" not zeros fools) Shoot me a request everyone!
  6. Edit: Is this the same event? http://www.adrl.us/_EE/_Assets/event/2010-ADRL-Event-9-ticket.jpg
  7. I absolutely love my 1g. Yours has to be one of the nicest ones I've seen in a long time man. I'm jealous.
  8. Congratulations with the promotion man! Sounds like it's been a long time coming. I drive by the shop almost daily. I'll need some more aggressive tires for the Eclipse, hopefully I'll be making my way in your front door in the near future. Keep up the good work at NTB. I always only hear good words about the downtown store.
  9. I've always had a soft spot for the 03-04s. Sexy!
  10. Buyers Sawmill is worse than a nightmare. I don't even need to go into any horror stories my wife and myself had attributed to this place. Funny, I thought it was only me they seemed to be completely douches towards. I'll never step foot at that damn place again. It's a shame they got my business in the first place.
  11. I lost it when the donkey, "Took flight". I'm not sure whether to be angry or just continue laughing.
  12. Good LORD that second pass was hard to watch. Time to transfer the title to someone else's name, poor Cobra.
  13. This is the reason why a garage is a must for me. Hope you get your car back man, I've had a car broken into but never stolen. Good luck.
  14. In all honesty how is Blockbuster doing? I understand they started putting up their little kiosk rental stands, but are they suffering as badly as everyone puts them out to be? Their name has been mentioned numerous times in meetings at Netflix, but we haven't had a meeting directly related to them they are just referenced time to time. Do they have any hope of staying afloat?
  15. CCWs FTW! Amazing wheel/car combo. Awesome looking car man.
  16. I came in expecting an, "XYZ almost ran me off the road tonight" thread. This is no better, it starts again.
  17. This. A good friend and co-worker of mine had a "pain" in his knee that at first was only a slight agitation after a sports related incident. (This was around a year or so back) He had been doing fine then at work he just twisted awkwardly and has been in horrid pain ever since when at the time of the injury it was just a dull throbbing pain. He got back from the doctors office as of last Tuesday I believe. Turns out he has a piece of bone around the size of a dime floating in his knee and he's going to have to get surgery next Friday. I know this is an extreme example, but if you have insurance I would have it looked out when you can. You don't want to have to deal with any issues weeks/months/years down the road when it could have been addressed much sooner and prevent any possible further damage. Get it looked at yo.
  18. I'd never heard about this one before. Great read! And talk about being prepared, guy seemed incredibly level-headed as well.
  19. Yup. See them every once in awhile here in Grandview. Funny looking little things. What's the retail on them?
  20. That car is sexy as hell! Stance from what I can see looks really good.
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