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Everything posted by suffocateXfaster1647545505

  1. Didn't his record go from getting like 100 homeruns to some huge step up within a year or something? Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I may be confused, I just vaugly heard my dad talking about it.
  2. "1. Take shopping carts for the express purpose of filling them and stranding them at strategic locations." Haha I hate when people do that (to an extent). I work at a grocery store <- pimp I know. They ALWAYS send me to pick up that shit, but it kills time like a mofo. Hours go by in seconds.
  3. I can only imagine. Her nipple = the lose graemlins/puke.gif
  4. Very nice/clean car you got there man. Keep up the good work.
  5. Very nice/clean car you got there man. Keep up the good work.
  6. That's what my parents did and I started out with a 1.5gpa and graduated with a 3.8, it works.
  7. http://www.nwv.sk.ca/images/David%20Anderson.jpg Full Name http://david.weekly.org/pictures/david-collage.jpg Just David.
  8. graemlins/nonono.gif incredible, that must have hurt like a bitch.
  9. +1 Contour.org is a nice site for looking for cars. Sometimes I wish I was selling the CSVT but she's too fun to drive and I can't see letting go of her. But CSVTs are very nice cars I'd suggest one.
  10. Wow. Those people are lucky as hell. Does anyone know how this came about?
  11. I totally agree. I fucking hate that show, I watched around 10 minutes of it with my little brother and turned it off and I never plan on watching it again.
  12. haha, I was going to say. Did someone JUST write a review for this?
  13. I think that they are pretty sweet rides. But once I start seeing 83485 on the road I think my excitement will start to die down. Until the modding begins.
  14. haha although the price is a bit high, I think my dad will still think it's a funny gift.
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