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Everything posted by suffocateXfaster1647545505

  1. Same pictures for the most part just higher res The looks of this Mustang seems to be growing on me a little even though I'm not a huge fan of the Retro Stangs.
  2. +182842389438925 I know they arn't fox bodies all the time but SVTPerformance.com always has a deal of videos. ::sigh:: the Contour is no Cobra...
  3. Just like your sig. says... Who gives a shit? Not a big deal just pay the ticket and move on.
  4. I thought that might have been Teen Tiffany graemlins/leghump.gif
  5. I have nothing but utmost repsect for the people who started the whole rap game. They indeed are insanely talented. I just see Big L as the Jordan of rappers tons of rappers may come and go but I PERSONALLY feel that no one will be as talented or good as him. He's the only rapper I listen to that I can pop in any of his CD's and listen to it the whole way through without skipping a single song, and his freestyles are INSANE. He had tons of skill, all in all though, 50 cent is a piece of shit.
  6. What a scum fuck. I hope he dies a drawn out death.
  7. Not meaning to whore the thread, but just out of curiosity who has had the shortest stay on CR? tongue.gif
  8. Their faces after laying down something like that.. would be priceless haha!
  9. I talked with them a bit more and they are looking into other cars now, so I'd say it's off. Sorry about it bro, if for some odd reason they change their mind I'll make sure to tell you, I really wish I had the money for this car I'd pick it up in a second, good luck on selling it man.
  10. Does anyone know the link to this by chance?
  11. I was just going to ask about the mileage.. I MAY have someone interested.. I'll have to talk with them more, so don't hold that to me.. But I'll keep in contact.
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