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Posts posted by Rustlestiltskin

  1. A family member found this key recently and asked me to help her identify it.

    I’m pretty stumped because I have little key knowledge so I hoped that somebody on here could share some info on the subject.

    Thanks in advance.


    Pic of key.



  2. Scumbag liar. Eric Swalwall does not at all support legislation proposing what you just mentioned. You either know this and are a piece of shit or you don't know it and you're a fucking moron, but I sorted it out in about 15 seconds of reading a goddamn Brietbart article of all things, so go back to yelling at clouds.







































































  3. You're not the only one


    Yet you still can't get a car to run properly. Hell, even my hillbilly built WS6 at least ran and raced 90% of the time and had NO ISSUES with the wheel, contrary to popular belief in here. You can't even get that pile of shit you have to run right. Maybe go back to the junkyard and pick another platform. I didn't know pussies as big as you fit in those cars anyways lmao.




    Makes fun of family then has 2nd thoughts...



  4. Again, must be hard to know someone so retarded could be more successful than you. What does that make you? We will call you junkyard boy.


    Being successful

    Leases a challenger




































  5. Just randomly stop replying like you did with me about getting my floors done.


    Just ghost them like you did with Tilley and his Memorial tickets




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