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Everything posted by Rustlestiltskin

  1. He edited the post ya spud
  2. Let that POS Roy into the ground But srs, buying it just for the cab/front clip would be well worth the money.
  3. Lol bob. I luv them HK's. Sold btw this weekend!
  4. Wait til end of the month and get the new master race Glock 43. Sub compact single stack 9mm EDIT: Howard says that the G43 is all hype bc he is a Glock expert :whistle:
  5. Bump. Make an offer. Will trade for 1911's, sigs, and HK's
  6. :leghump: pics!!! Edit: found it on the dealer site http://www.columbuscjd.com/new/Dodge/2015-Dodge-Challenger-4205abd60a0a00de3020703f76f0ab2e.htm http://i61.tinypic.com/axkvo9.jpg http://i57.tinypic.com/5lnr0h.jpg
  7. Lol my belt broke mid trip! I did drive it back after I got the new belt on at the track :masturboy:
  8. Ha oh Gergles you simple kunt. I'm surprised that was the only mistake I made in that post considering I had a nice buzz going on at midnight when I posted that on Saturday.
  9. Congrats on the purchase! Even though this pistol got great reviews I've had a few friends who's had problems with theirs. FTE,FTF. Just saying, can happen to any pistol but for it to happen to "the best pistol of 2015" it was rather shocking and disappointing. Hope yours works flawlessly though bud.
  10. Why do you talk like you have any intelligence over the 4 grade corriculum. Still blows my mind that you have any say here. You are pretty much on level with window lickers. You and the buster are 2nd cousins.
  11. I would've just took his keys before he left And thrown them out into the abyss.
  12. It's all fun n games til you come home early from a Pizza Hut outing with your wife to see your daughter n her girlfriend scissoring on the living room floor while Sinead O'Connor is playing in the background. But srs though, good luck with this situation. Tread softly but carry a big stick
  13. I really enjoy it. Feels great. Ergonomics are nice. I would say I have large hands and they fit perfect on this stock.
  14. Lol, that scope doubles as a baton when you run out of bullets.
  15. Bingo. It's all fun n games til you find a Big freddy double ender in the laundry basket.
  16. I've honestly ran 4 different brands of ammo through it with zero problems. It'll take anything you load Into it from my experience.
  17. EDIT: SOLD custom Ruger 10/22. Amazing shooter It's got a little over $900 invested in it. *Boyd's laminate thumb hole stock *Threaded .920 bull barrel * volquartsen trigger group *power customs competition charging handle *glass bedded barrel and action *polished bolt * power customs titanium extractor *tuffer buffer * bushnell 3x9 scope. *No name bi pod Comes with 2- butler creek 25 rd mags and ruger 10rd mag " Suppressor not included ". $600 no trades, no part outs http://i61.tinypic.com/abk1le.jpg http://i58.tinypic.com/vp7tbp.jpg http://i58.tinypic.com/5n6wjl.jpg http://i62.tinypic.com/vfxo4l.jpg
  18. how much is it worth to you, how about $3000 . Got a little RX7 that will make you embarrassed to have that shit sticking out of your hood. let me know when you come up with the money, and zip tie your car back together. http://i.imgur.com/ya19XR9.gif
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