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Everything posted by RedRocket1647545505

  1. My M203 rifle that I keep within arms reach gives me comfort at night.
  2. I think you might have set a record. BTW, what are you trying to say here?
  3. I'm not an NRA member either. 1. Know the laws 2. Don't fuck up.
  4. Quintuple post 'cause I own this bitch.
  5. That should get you started.
  6. Midway down: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/ all of this: http://claytoncramer.com/gundefenseblog/blogger.html A few more: http://www.armed-citizens.com/ArmedCitizens/ArmedCitizens.aspx
  7. BTW. Join the NRA. Get their magazine. Flip to the back. Stories abound.
  8. Technically, I suppose he could be running a beehive round. http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i192/longshotink/beehive.jpg?t=1239669025 I'd be more inclined to say he's referring to an M203 mounted on an M4.
  9. No fun for home. From PM: before you go around the forum jumping to conclusions. and getting your pantys in a buge wad and feeling powerfull for getting me banned why dont you talk to anthony green. He is the one who reinstated my rights on the board. And changed my name for me. Thanks, Stephen --------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve, Please don't ever talk to me about panties or wads. Especially after this thread. no homo, Austin
  10. -Fulton Armory Titan -G17 -My Tromix S12
  11. I've gotten him banned twice now for identifying his AEs on here (he's supposed to be perma-banned). Oh, and what a coincidence, I think I'm going to do it for the third time. I'm pretty sure this is him again: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=64770 EM1 2 Envy = one of his old names Evolved = new name = doesn't Steve drive an Evo now? BAN!
  12. Old tech and expensive. Federal HST's and Ranger-T's (updated black talons) > *
  13. Gun show sales are absolutely NO DIFFERENT than any other sales, anywhere. If you go to Vance's to buy a gun, they're going to run an NCIS background check on you. If you go to the Vance's booth at a gun show; guess what? They're gonna run an NCIS background check on you. Where people start getting pissy is the private sector of it. I can sell any of my own personal guns to anybody I choose, and I'm not obligated to run a check on them. This carrys over to gun shows. If I were to take my collection to a gun show, sit in the parking lot, and sell them to anyone that walks by, I'm well within my rights. People do this because if they're looking to sell or buy something gun related, then a gunshow is the place to do it. The Anti's have got it confused. They think that all gunshow sales are w/o a BG check, and that's simply not true. Some people argue that a background check should be required of all firearms transfers. While this idea sounds good at first, it's really just another 'feel good' law. It goes back to the whole, 'criminals don't obey laws' argument. If they want one, they'll get one, and ultimately the only person you're making it harder for is the common stand-up firearms owner. I'm also one of the people who believes it's none of the government's fucking business who I do business with.
  14. The simple solution to this is: don't ever sell your guns. :bangbang:
  15. Punctuation added to make it readable. This is the kind of people we have to argue with...
  16. Prices in the industry have risen in general, both guns and ammo, due to the paranoia that Obama's gonna take them away or ban them. The difference being, the firearms manufacturers have been relatively able to keep up with the increased demand and prices have risen because people are simply willing to pay. The ammo manufacturers, however, haven't been able to keep up, and the prices have skyrocketed because of it. So yea, the prices of the whole industry, in general, have risen because people are paranoid.
  17. You noticed that too, eh? "There's nothing I can do about this." I bet cutting out the cigarettes, RedBull, Mtn. Dew, and your horrible diet would be a good start. Not to mention, I'm sure he'll be put on warfarin the rest of his life.
  18. Steve's such a fag. Didn't you beat the ever-living fuck out of him? I heard that somewhere.
  19. Can't wait. Infact, I can't wait for Alaska week, starting tomorrow. Also, I'm looking forward to season 2 of The Alaska Experiment.
  20. No. Those pricks deleted it while I was putting together my collection of posts to post on here. They've since deleted a bunch more of my posts. Truth must hurt. Oh, and my blood was boiling last night while watching.
  21. Go do it. Take vid. CR will put a memorial at the top of every page in honor of your life.
  22. More polar bear ownage: http://upshizzle.com/gallery/albums/October_2008/1239477376638.jpg om nom nom nom:lol:
  23. http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/5784/polarw.gif
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