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Everything posted by RedRocket1647545505

  1. You can rest assured, that I will never be joining Hi-Point crew.
  2. 'Motherfucker, please. Look. My shit is custom.' [/Mike Epps]
  3. You shut your whore mouth! But I am eyeballing another.........
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwyHthIx-OI God damn, he comes up with some wierd songs. Funny, but weird. Oh, and fast forward to 0:20 to avoid the faggot that insists on throwing in the dialogue.
  5. Knew he was a prez. Wasn't sure which #. What's the reason behind this thread?
  6. My dad's got a Dan Wesson .44mag and it's got to be one of his most favorite guns. I've shot it a few times and it's baller. I'm not sure when I'll have a chance to shoot it, but I'll be sure to post up.
  7. More 1911 porn: http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m127/johnson_n/IMG_3332.jpg http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m127/johnson_n/IMG_3421.jpg http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m127/johnson_n/IMG_3435.jpg http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m127/johnson_n/IMG_3445.jpg http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m127/johnson_n/IMG_3412.jpg
  8. Not my pics, but it's the same model: http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m127/johnson_n/IMG_3290.jpg http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m127/johnson_n/IMG_3321.jpg http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m127/johnson_n/IMG_3312.jpg http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m127/johnson_n/IMG_3334.jpg http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m127/johnson_n/IMG_3325.jpg
  9. http://www.ohio-firearms.com/Austin/Pictures/1911/1.jpg http://www.ohio-firearms.com/Austin/Pictures/1911/2.jpg http://www.ohio-firearms.com/Austin/Pictures/1911/3.jpg http://www.ohio-firearms.com/Austin/Pictures/1911/4.jpg Woot!
  10. I'm still an advocate for banning cell phone use while driving a vehicle. 95% of the time, if some dumb cunt cuts me off, you can almost guarantee that bitch has a cell phone to her face.
  11. I <3 Kayden Kross. She are one of my favs.
  12. I think it's on their website. www.titleii.com has a neat feature where you can type in all your info and it'll print out the form for you, however, I've been told that they don't have the updated forms, and are therefore useless. Not sure how much truth there is to that, but it might warrant looking into.
  13. You should go to the kitchen, make me a samich, and let the grown men stick to these discussions.
  14. Holy shit. Found something I agree on, with him.
  15. :bowthefuckdown: Couldn't have said it better.
  16. Form 1, I believe, which is the form required if you're building it yourself. If you buy a fully assembled, and engraved firearm from some business or some person, then it's transferred to you on a form 4.
  17. 1. Setup trust via Quicken Willmaker 2. skip the CLEO bullshit 3. Submit paperwork + $200 for tax stamp 4. wait 5. wait 6. wait 7. get back paperwork 8. order parts if not already done 9. engrave needed info 10. assemble Only people on the trust can possess the weapon, IIRC. However, any person can fire the weapon so long as a person of the trust is present. There is no getting out of the tax stamp, legally.
  18. I was told during my OB class that some women that do this, do it for contraceptive reasons. Sounds a bit fucked up to me to allow your kid to continue to do that just so your partner can continue to raw dog you.
  19. Like Killjoy said, Dillon > *. If you're just starting off, I'd go with a single stage until you get the hang of setting everything up and learn how it all works. You'll turn out a lower quantity of ammo but it'll be higher quality and you'll be paying more attention to what's cranked out. Undercharging or overcharging is BAD, BAD, BAD! My future plans include an RCBS Rock Chucker for working up loads before taking what I've learned and loading it into a progressive. It'll also be used for low quantity, high quality, and high consistancy precision loads for my bolt guns. First progressive will be a Dillon xl650 with all the necessary accessories. BTW, pick up the ABC's of Reloading and read it cover to cover before you start, and also pick up a reloading manual and take a look at it to get a feel for what you'll be doing.
  20. Realistically, what all calibers are you planning on loading and how many rounds per month?
  21. No idea, Broham. I just know those are the typical figures who have to power to sign off on it.
  22. Who is this CLEO anyway? The Chief Law Enforcement Officer (CLEO) who signs the Form 4 can be any of the following people: Sheriff Chief of Police Head of State Police Agency District Attorney A judge with the power of arrest Any other law enforcement officer approved for this procedure by the National Firearms Act branch of the BATF
  23. Also, the police chief isn't the only person who can sign off on it.
  24. Download Quicken Will maker and do it that way.
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