Like Killjoy said, Dillon > *.
If you're just starting off, I'd go with a single stage until you get the hang of setting everything up and learn how it all works. You'll turn out a lower quantity of ammo but it'll be higher quality and you'll be paying more attention to what's cranked out. Undercharging or overcharging is BAD, BAD, BAD!
My future plans include an RCBS Rock Chucker for working up loads before taking what I've learned and loading it into a progressive. It'll also be used for low quantity, high quality, and high consistancy precision loads for my bolt guns.
First progressive will be a Dillon xl650 with all the necessary accessories.
BTW, pick up the ABC's of Reloading and read it cover to cover before you start, and also pick up a reloading manual and take a look at it to get a feel for what you'll be doing.