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Everything posted by RedRocket1647545505

  1. I don't foresee that happening. Granted, I'm no expert on Executive Orders or what their exact purpose is, however, I wouldn't think it involves making something the law of the land at the stroke of one person's pen. Otherwise, that kind of defeats the whole point of our entire system, amirite?
  2. P8 (One of HK's best) =/= USP Depends on how good of a price it is. IMO, they aren't worth the money. Good pistol, but like most things HK...it's overpriced.
  3. Just an FYI, but just because someone is shot in the back, doesn't mean they still weren't a threat. The police often shoot people in the back because the perp tends to shoot blindly over their shoulder as they are running away.
  4. You've already got the ultimate carry gun. I'm not sure why you would get rid of it. Do you not like the idea of blowing people in half?
  5. You will still need to run it through the proper channels via the NFA after they receive it. Is yours an sbr?
  6. Is that a .300win mag? How cute.
  7. At this point, you've got to be trolling.
  8. 3rd groups show nothing 1/2" MOA isn't 1/4" MOA And per their own results (Chart at the bottom), their best group of 1.34" is neither 1/4 MOA nor 1/2 MOA. It isn't even Sub-MOA. While I am not knocking your rifle, as I'm sure it's a fine gun, it is not ever going to produced 1/4" groups without some extensive work. Especially with off the shelf ammo. :dumb:
  9. There is a HUGE difference between simply Sub-MOA and .25 MOA
  10. Bassproshops.com has a great library on all subjects of fishing. There's reading for days there if you are so inclined. As for hunting (deer): -Get some camo, a bow, and a tree stand -Get as scent free as possible -scout game trails and park your ass within a clear shot of one -Play the waiting game.
  11. Expert shooters pay thousands of dollars for 1/4 MOA guns. Anything you did with a $350 Walmart special is a fluke that won't be repeated. This is almost the equivalent of you saying you ran a 13 second pass in your new Honda Civic because you think you are a good driver. Sorry
  12. I absolutely hate Dianne Feinstein. HATE. What a useless piece of shit.
  13. Personally, I'm hoping we drop off the edge of this 'fiscal cliff'. The cost is worth it to me to distract the country away from gun control and it makes all of the politicians look like the idiots that they truly are.
  14. Mostly rain with a little sleet here in Circleville. Not a fleck of snow. Am disappoint but not surprised at all.
  15. I think they should put a security levy on every school districts ballot. Something separate from the general funding. I bet it would pass in damn near every district.
  16. I'm more in agreement with this post than anything. However, knowing how dumb the citizens of this country have become, you know the 'do nothing' answer isn't going to fly. People want to feel like they've done something, even if it really will not be effective. Hence, guns are the easy target. I really do hate the majority of the citizens of this country anymore. The country is turning into a shithole of laziness, irresponsibility, and stupidity.
  17. Have the smart phone apps gotten any better? I bought one of the original vipers with it a couple years ago and the system needed some serious work. I could have full service and the thing would only work about 20% of the time. I had them uninstall it and returned it. Not reliable enough for the $500 price tag.
  18. I'm not sure I see it that way. I particularly like their point on adding 1 more law to the countless that we already have that are ineffective. I like that they addressed additional issues in this country and the fact that we protect everything else, but our schools. I think if congress is so concerned with protecting the children, that they should donate their security personnel to major districts of the nation. What makes them feel as though they deserve personal security whereas the children of this nation do not?
  19. 1. No 2. If the teacher feels so inclined to carry the responsibility of this, then by all means, allow them to help. Offer to send them to some sort of advanced training ($1,000/teacher). 3. I've always had sort of an internal dilemma when it comes to where the funding comes from for schools. Part of me (the part that doesn't have kids) wants to say, you had the kid, you should find a way to pay for it's education. The other part of me says, kids are the future and should be prepped as such. Short answers: probably tax dollars. Not sure where you should make the cuts, but as someone already said, I do not think it would be too terribly difficult to shift the funds from somewhere else. Hell, I just saw on the news yesterday where the US, once again, sent some ungodly amount of money to another nation for support. Stop this shit, and divert it to education funding. 4. Probably private security. Someone who's trained for just such scenarios. It's probably cheaper to do this than to send them to full blown cop school (or whatever they do). I also feel that one is enough. I had read somewhere that the individuals who perform these mass shootings love the feeling of control, and when confronted by even the slightest bit of opposition, tend to turn the gun on themselves. They aren't there to have a shoot-out with someone. They're looking for easy targets prior to ending their own life. I think moderately trained is sufficient due to this reason. Allow them to dress casual and carry concealed so as to not alarm or disturb the students. After all, we are still aiming for it to be as normal of an environment as possible for the kids. I would, however, keep some sort of heavy-hitter locked up in a specific location that they could have access too. 5. I probably would not allow the students to carry weapons, even if they are 18. They should be there for education, not to defend others. 18 is still pretty young to carry that responsibility. I'm still not sure how I feel about the subject. I do not feel that it would be too much for a district to set aside $50,000/yr for the purpose of security. Install some serious locking doors and hire an armed security guard to roam the halls for $40,000/hr. To me, that does not seem like that much of a sacrifice to their budgets.
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