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Posts posted by RedRocket1647545505

  1. I am fully aware that Corona virus hits hardest to the elderly and those with a weakened immune system or chronic health condition....but seeing some of the effects on peoples' lungs gives me pause on thinking this won't affect many more of us out there. Maybe people exposed to it will undoubtedly survive, but what about long-term effects on lung capacity?



    (Yes, I realize it's a Mirror article...source taken with grain of salt)


    Still washing hands as always....but seriously considering canceling family spring break to Colorado next week.


    Looks pretty much like every other CT scan I've ever seen where someone has pneumonia. I've seen waaaaay worse.


    Quit worrying so much. Its totally ok to be concerned; take your normal appropriate steps you should be doing anyway on a daily basis (hand hygiene, cover your cough, etc.), and go on about your life.


    I agree with both Greg and Panduh. It is a genuine concern, however, the media isn't helping the hysteria with the clickbaity shit they keep putting out, i.e. LOOK AT THIS CT SCAN OF THIS PERSON'S LUNGS!!!OMG!1

  2. cliffnotes is if your out of shape, smoke, and eat like poo then it's a higher chance to get corona. I am curious to see whats the domino effect from shortages of vital drug supplies from all this. Interesting video for sure


    The drug supply problem is crazy. EVERY SINGLE WEEK there is a new drug shortage and we get some email that The System is trying to seek out new and different suppliers to get what they need.


    I distinctly remember criticizing the Puerto Rico supply chain thing after their last hurricane because IV fluids were in such short supply that we really had to try to conserve what we were using. That is a great thing to have happen to a level 1 trauma center where you're hammering liters of fluid into people on the reg. I remember being told that they do it for tax purposes; not sure if there's any truth to that or not.


    I truly hope this whole scare changes some things for the better in regards to our (the country's) healthcare system as a whole. There are some glaring deficits in the supply line and all it is going to take is one good epidemic such as this to point out the obvious.

  3. Good news is good to hear.


    I don't typically handle direct sales, but manage larger projects and contracted work for a big corporation that does lots of other things. We do a lot of HVAC controls and automation in Ohio Health facilities. Pressure controlled spaces like isolation/quarantine rooms are pretty popular topics these days.


    I don't know who needs to hear this, but those things never seem to work right when you need them. lol.

  4. Then you haven't been watching that much. Flu has 0.1% fatality rate. This is hovering around 2%, based largely on China's numbers because that's where it's concentrated. Its already killed many more people than SARS ever did.



    We'd probably know better how factual those percentages are if we were actually testing people. As of now, there is not widespread testing, and in the US we've barely tested anybody.



    I haven't seen much on the Bernie concert, but if that's true my assumption is that Trump could be taking more criticism for 2 reasons. 1) his response so far has been poor, even going so far as to call the whole thing a Democratic hoax, despite the measures other countries have taken that are not a result of US politics or media, and 2) at this point in the campaign his nomination is a foregone conclusion. The primaries mean nothing to him. There is absolutely no point in staging a rally to drum up support at this time in the election process, but the Democrats are still fighting for the nomination and the state primaries are imminent.



    The concentration in the US is at a nursing home, not the rest of the world. More people will die from this than will die from the flu, based on current statistics. And it doesnt only kill the elderly, considering there have been middle aged deaths in China, including the doctor that tried to raise the alarm to the public.


    The incubation period for the virus is up to 14 days. That's 2 weeks where someone could be walking around spreading the virus without knowing they are sick. There are probably a lot more people with the virus right now than we think.


    There has also been word that China is heavily controlling the news being released about the virus (because of course they are, that's what they do) and possibly the death rate is much higher. We will only learn if their numbers are fudged by watching what happens in other countries now, but I do find it strange that many people are putting more trust in the numbers released by the Chinese government being either factual or overestimated while distrusting the American media. Trump's #1 objective is to keep the economy moving. Even if this were Ebola he would never promote any action that would result in economic impact (like making people stay home or cancelling major public events).


    Right now I can only go off the numbers we have been given; 2%. And even if that's a rounding error (1.8-2.2%) we know that's going to kill a hell of a lot more people than the average seasonal flu (0.1%).


    I know that I trust the Chinese media the LEAST out of anyone, and it's possible they have revised this number down. I also know that the Spanish flu wasn't very deadly until it mutated, then it went rampant. There's always the risk that this strain mutates. And lastly, I know that it's inevitable that this spreads across the US, it's only a matter of how long it takes.


    Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk


    Quit worrying.

  5. I'm on Ohio Health's frontline team that will respond to any COVID-19 patient that lands in any of our facilities (and it eventually will). We formed during the Ebola crisis about five years ago and train specifically for outbreaks such as this.


    You want the low-down? It's ALL media scare. It's very similar to SARS and MERS (also both coronavirus strands). It'll burn itself out eventually. In the meantime, quit fucking worrying. You might, however, keep granny in the house if she has end-stage COPD and is prone to pneumonia.


    Be America: 10,000 people die from the flu, 0 die from COVID-19; freak out about COVID-19.


    Wash your hands. Cover your cough. Stay home if you're sick. Quit being nasty fuckers.

  6. Jesus, that's cool.


    My hunting season went ok (deer is over in Ohio). Shot a fatass doe. Always seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and kept missing my target bucks.


    Traps are dyed and waxed and I'm getting ready to start taking a dent out of the coyote population behind my house.


    Turkey is just around the corner. I'm not a big turkey hunter, but usually try to make it out at least a few days.

  7. I wouldn't snare in a residential area. People frown on their dog getting strangled to death.


    I would, however, run foothold traps if you're looking to get them quietly. That way, you can be extra selective about which animals you pop in the head.

  8. I just replaced headlights and fogs in my super duty with BeamTech and so far, they have been awesome. Plug and play...inexpensive...fast shipping. They were recommended by another buddy with my same truck and he has ran them for a long time without complaint.


    They are way better than the stockers.









    I put these in my 2007 Colorado highs/lows/fogs and they have been fantastic. They've been in over 3 months now and I've only been 'brighted' once. They aren't obnoxious and the difference is amazing. Wish I would have done it sooner.

  9. I haven't shot for some time and it's not looking as though I'll be getting back into the sport.


    I have an excellent gun for trap and sporting clays. It's a Valmet 412ST over/under 12 gauge. Although I have since purchased more expensive guns, I always shot best with the Valmet. Although the Finns made a bazillion of these, you don't see many around in good condition.


    I'll take $900.00 for it. Let me know if you're interested.


    It's the second gun in the post: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1514589&postcount=13


    What's that SxS? Want to sell it?

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