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Posts posted by RedRocket1647545505


    This kind of stuff drives me nuts though. It's all half measures. Like, where do these arbitrary numbers come from?


    -Guests must be seated > Does it spread more when you're standing?

    -Must wear a mask unless eating or drinking > Its a wedding. Of course I'm gonna be drinking.

    -No more than 10 people at a table. > Why not 8? or 12?



    Listen, if you're gonna implement lockdown procedures (and I'm not saying your shouldn't), then lets get serious and lock shit down. At this point, I feel like a lot of these are just paying lip service to make it look as though the officials are trying to do something. Lock it all down, or open it all up. Quit with this middle of the road shit.

  2. We, collectively, are morons.


    A person is smart. People are stupid.


    Lack of hospital staff is most likely the reason. My sister in law is a nurse for Ohio Health, she keeps me in the loop on a lot of this, the shit the media won't report on. She's never been concerned by the number of cases, and always points out that the hospitalization and death rates had stayed low for the Summer and early Fall. However now with cases on the rise and those rates starting to creep up, they are starting to worry about that manpower issue. When someone is out because they are sick and shouldn't be at work, now that puts additional pressure on those that can be at work. Right now this is what seems to be her concern.




    There's ALWAYS a nursing shortage but now its even worse. I have never worked in HR, but it had always seemed to me that hospitals focus 90% of their efforts on recruitment and 10% on retention, which makes zero sense to me. Nurses are leaving the bedside in swarms.


    The hospitals locally were already near max capacity and understaffed before this wave started. Now throw in the Covid patients to an already overworked and burnt out staff, and you don't have a good combination for keeping nurses around. As it turns out, calling nurses heros every 5 minutes (cringe) and buying them a pizza doesn't get you very far. :dumb:


    I'm somewhat disappointed in the summer preparation or lack thereof. We KNEW this was coming and yet, it seems as though we did nothing to prepare. There are already supply shortages that started before this wave, rooms around the hospital were never modified to accept Covid patients, staffing was never bolstered or incentivized to stay (unless you count the threats).


    I keep hearing people mention setting up the Contention Center again. Like, who are you going to get to staff it? You can't even staff a hospital on a normal day with no pandemic. I've heard talk about pulling the nurses that have moved onto administrative roles to fill those gaps. Lol! Best of luck to those patients.


    I keep waiting to hear that they've canceled elective surgeries again. There's been no talk of it yet but I would bet its coming.

  3. Yep. stupid FB police. Was having a spirited debate with someone that was totally legit, nothing foul, everyone was courteous, but evidently if you tell someone that you're going to "beat them with facts" and then outline details to support an argument, they consider that "threatening and bullying language" and put you in a 30 day time out. :rolleyes: The appeal system is as dumb as their rules. Meanwhile people actually saying and doing much worse get nothing said to them.



    Been busy building a new Desktop Rig, Upgraded my RAID system, bought a new camera and have been doing some photography stuff along with keeping the detailing going. Back online later this week.


    Take this opportunity to delete all of your mainstream social media. You'll be better for it. Did it January 1st this year and haven't looked back. Don't know what's going on in everyone's lives and don't give a fuck. It's been glorious. 5/5 stars. Would highly recommend.

  4. Some scary and violent shit going down tonight in DC. Trump rally attendees were told to leave DC before 6pm because Antifa/BLM was coming in.


    Lots of disgusting and racist videos all over Twitter right now of how a Antifa/BLM is attacking people. In every situation I’ve seen, it’s the BLM/Antifa blocs throwing piss, Molotov cocktails and mortar rounds at trump families eating dinner, walking away and or retreating away from BLM.


    This is disgusting and the left has fully embraced it.


    They're all idiots.

  5. That's awful and she probably feels pretty shitty about it. It's good he's not on a ventilator, but there are massive ups and downs with this virus. He could be stable for 2 to 3 days, suddenly crash, then repeat this cycle over and over. Doctors can only play whack-a-mole with symptoms as they happen and try to keep him stable and conformable. Hopefully he can recover quickly.


    Just so you know, this isn't how it usually plays out in the hospital, even for the 80 year olds.

  6. We all know Trump by now: he’s never going to concede. Never. He will just quietly leave the WH, and on Twitter just keep promoting pro-Trump commentary by his supporters like Hannity and others on his Twitter feed.


    There will be morons that will be claiming Democrats stole the election from Trump 4 years from now, 10 years from now. They’re too mentally invested in his Narrative to step away from it.


    What is truly scary is when Trump sets up a digital media empire to compete against FoxNews. They set up Fox Nation, a $6/month streaming service that has an 85% pull-through conversion of free trial-to-paid-subscribers. Trump knows this. He’s already soliciting money to get some of his most ardent press supporters onto a platform like this, where he can reach everyone with a smartphone and keep much of the profits without paying cable news/media channels.


    I hope he does. And I hope it annoys everyone as much as it annoyed everyone hearing "Russia" in every other sentence for the past 4 years.

  7. This is true, of course -- in terms of a % of positive cases, hospitalizations are down. But in terms of raw numbers, hospitalizations are at the highest they've been since the pandemic started and trending upward. Since both cases and hospitalizations are trending in the wrong direction, and hospitals are starting to near capacity, is there anything in your analysis that suggests it's not just a matter of time before hospitals are full?



    Can confirm. Though the percentage of hospitalizations per positive test is down, the overall positive test numbers are still up. We deal with an actual finite number of beds in hospitals, so while the percentages look better on paper, that doesn't actually mean shit in the healthcare world. There are still only so many available beds and so many available healthcare workers to care for them.


    I do my part, wear my mask, wash my hands, etc., but I'm to the point where I feel the country should lock up the (typically) vulnerable population or those who truly want to wait it out, open the contingent healthcare facilities, lock down the borders, roll in the full time military for assistance, and everyone take off the masks and go for herd immunity. Deal with the rapid spike and the fallout from it, and lets get on with this. This dragging it on while waiting for a viable vaccine is tiring.


    I'm no anti-vaxxer or conspiracy theorist, but if you think I'm going to take some experimental vaccine fresh out of the lab, you've got another thing coming. And, I'm sure they're going to mandate this for healthcare workers, so I'm curious how that is going to play out.


    I, like probably many of you, am over the whole thing. Hospital supplies are already tight, and the places are packed with patients (not jus C19 patients). We've had the whole summer lull to prepare for this and its seems as though we didn't. The longer we drag this on, the more it mutates, and the harder its going to be to stop.


    Just my off-the-cuff opinion. I'm no expert.

  8. Yay racism is cured and some old kid-sniffing pedo who can't form a coherent sentence who hasn't done shit in 47 years is going to fix everything yay


    Come on, Man. Have a little faith here. We've really got Harris calling all the shots. You know, the bitch that sucked enough dick to work her way into a Vice Presidency. Im honestly impressed. That must have taken quite a bit of work or she has some serious technique. At least she's with the appropriate running mate. He's got the quid pro quo thing down pat.


    If I were Joe, I certainly wouldn't accept any drinks from her or any shit like that.

  9. The most dangerous Political candidate would be one who can at least feign some appearance of honesty, decency, and some consideration for American citizens as a whole.


    Fixed that for you, Bro.


    Btw, that's pretty much all of them. Don't kid yourself that its just one side or the other.

  10. I think the markets are reacting to the fact that we won’t lose the senate. 2022 is looking to be a bloodbath for the Dems and joe may have republican house and senate for his final 2 years.


    Basically I’m not worried because he won’t be able to do anything. Which I’m fine with. It gives the GOP time to solidify who the future of the party will be and in 2024 we will be looking at the oldest man to ever be president try to debate a younger, well spoken, possibly black, charismatic person running against him. “The party of racism” bullshit won’t be the dog whistle it was this time around...


    Sign me up for some Candace Owens.

  11. The Repubs could absolutely kill it in 2024 if they could manage to find someone who isn't a career politician, AND, who also isn't an idiot (Trump...). They seriously had a great shot at doing this and, as usual, blew it. Now we're back to career politics which is the same shit everyone was so tired of in 2016.


    Shit ain't gonna change.

  12. Even with Trump (most likely) losing, I think its pretty telling just how close it really was. Contrary to what the media hammers down your throat everyday, a fair amount of people do agree, at least in part, with what Trump says or does.


    I'm still amazed by how polarized our country is and how evenly it is split.


    Im convinced that had Trump not been so damn abrasive in his personality, he would win by a landslide. Kind of like how Trump didn't win in 2016, Hillary lost. Biden didn't win here, Trump just lost it.


    I wish we could get a real candidate who isn't a career politician. I think that's still something the People want, hence, Trump. The mainstream Politicians and Media continue to show just how out of touch they are with the average American, and the polls showed that yet again. I'm not sure when they're going to figure that out.

  13. I particularly love that what started out as an internet joke about the beginning of the next civil war, 'the Boogaloo', has somehow been taken seriously by some in the media like its something more than a bunch of Reddit idiots talking shit behind their keyboards.
  14. Full disclosure: I've not read the deets just yet so take this with that in mind.


    I don't like the idea of general society schmucks Monday morning quarterbacking for people whose job they have no idea about. I run into the same shit in the healthcare field. The general public has NO IDEA about how things really are. I imagine its the same in the LEO world.

    These aren't the people I would want providing oversight.

  15. An ambulance would have just called the police instead of approaching.


    Fucking thank you. For fucks sake, EMS always prioritizes scene safety first. Always. Some manic prior offender isn't going to have one step taken towards him by EMS until police assure them it is safe.


    Better send in the social workers! :dumb:

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