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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Phil, yeah, absolutely post it, thanks.
  2. Well, looks like this guy is juking me. All the tickets are still available. $100 for all tickets listed. Text me if interested.
  3. Still need tickets? I have some. Text me: 614.325.5970.
  4. Brian (jump'n'jive), please respond to your texts. I've texted you repeatedly the past few days with no response. You've asked me to hold these tickets for you - saying that you wanted them for sure - but the tournament starts tomorrow and I have yet to hear from you. Please advise.
  5. Tires have been sold. Mods/Admins, feel free to lock this thread.
  6. What's been the general reaction to the Tiburon with all the extras? I know there's a subset of car guys who'll always be against modifications like that. Of course, there's also a subset of car guys - me included - that think that it's your money and you can spend it how you see fit.
  7. There are not enough silver cars in that pic. Welcome to the site. I never welcome anyone, so this is a big deal. This also means I'm not really sure what to say to you. Something that comes to mind is that there seems to be a lot going on with that one car. It kind of looks like a shark?
  8. Then what you're saying is no one will hear the horses scream when you set them on fire?
  9. Try to take an even larger pic to replace your sig pic. Things that might work: a sand dune, a hotel, or the Atlantic Ocean.
  10. I've become convinced that Mark May is essentially a "heel" like in professional wrestling that plays the villian role just to be the villian, rile up the OSU faithful, etc. Like, before they start their segment, Mark May gets a script and reads something like this: "Lou Holtz will pick Ohio State to beat Michigan State today. You will say Ohio State lacks depth at linebacker and lacks the defensive speed to hang with Michigan State." It's almost comical to me, as I think he's fairly transparent. Certainly, I think he never really like Ohio State, but over the years SC has found that him playing the villian/OSU-hater gets ratings, responsivity, etc. Before him, it was Trev Alberts. I remember them talking about how badly Miami was going to stomp Ohio State before the 2002 NC game.
  11. Are those wheels on the 240Z off of a 5.0 Late 80s/early 90s Mustang?
  12. I loved the OP - chuckled more than once. My vote would be for a C5. Although you will have a small penis, girls will want to be on top of it.
  13. Awesome pic, I love shit like this. It's kind of eerie.
  14. Clearly he's an idiot. He should save his money and buy a new brain.
  15. Congratulations! +16 cool points for Fight Club reference
  16. That's what I looked like pre-crossfit. Now I look about the same, only more toned and more adept at burpees. Just saying.
  17. This was about where you lost me.
  18. I was being mostly flippant, but there still seemed to be something of a flaw in logic in your plan: you're banking on being able to acquire a rare commodity without paying the premium. It's like me saying if I can't pay my rent one month I'll just buy a new C7 and sell it for double its price. But, really, it was mostly me just being flippant. I have no doubt in your flipping abilities.
  19. Dr. Pomade


    Alcohol and Xanax.
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