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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Manziel also strikes me as the type of guy who is so narcissistic that he wouldn't sign his autograph for free. Granted, I only base this on the little I know from his public persona, but still.
  2. So, what you're saying is that the shirts are made ultra tight for chachis like me? Can't wait to pick one up. "Does this come in size small?" "Sure, is this for your son?" "Uhhh, yes, it's for him. My son, who is much smaller than me and wears this size. For him, yes, thanks."
  3. And then just say in the most passive-aggressive manner that you're only trying to help her by watering the plants so they'll grow really big and nice. Maybe even dump a bucket of water on them/her at same time, explaining that you think it hasn't rained enough in the recent past.
  4. This cannot be quoted enough. Seriously, I don't know why more teams don't do this. USC/UCLA have done it and it's fucking fantastic. If I'm not mistaken, the road team that doesn't wear white has to forfeit a timeout at the beginning of the game. USC/UCLA have countered that by just burning one of their own to even things out at the get-go. No reason Michigan and Ohio State couldn't do that.
  5. No, I'm all for the chrome. The uniform overall didn't do it for me. I agree completely - tradition is fine, but I'm also on board with the changes, too. Oregon is on the cutting edge fashion-wise and, while that won't win a lot of football games per se, it attracts a lot of good athletes that will win those games. I'm all for it. Speaking of traditions that could go away: noon games. In fact, every game Ohio State plays should be at night. Or most of them, anyway.
  6. Those facemasks are horrible. I didn't care for the unis that were worn for the Michigan game last year.
  7. Yup 2003 was a hyped year. We lost to Wisconsin to lose first game of that year. It was on a long pass to that good receiver from Wisconsin - Toon? And that's when one of our line backers choked the Wisconsin QB on bottom of pile. Just another reason I fucking hate Wisconsin.
  8. Still, BStowers has a point: if Ohio State doesn't win National Championship this year, then everyone will call it a failure. Also, it wouldn't be a pre-season poll without 5 SEC teams in the Top 10. At least, like Josh pointed out, there's no VA Tech in Top 10. Refreshing.
  9. Free play + Gauntlet + alcohol = drunken nerd Johnny Le Bravo Needs Food Badly
  10. P.S. This looks like shit that happens in every single club I've ever been to. Drunk douchie people being either drunk, douchie, or both.
  11. It looks like they exchange words and he put his hand up as if to point at her in a chastising manner. Then it looks like she takes a swipe at him. He backs up, puts up his left hand as if he's going to retaliate, but hesitates. This kind of looks like a lunge toward her. She backs up immediately as if in reaction to it. He then extends his left arm - almost like he's finishing the movement he started earlier. I wouldn't call it a "punch" per se. Maybe a swipe? A slap? I'm more intrigued by how all this went down. It looked like the guys he was with were showing interest in another girl up on the stage and somehow things go diverted to the girl in question. I was thinking, is the girl in question like running interference here? Or is the girl in question jealous over something?
  12. There's been some quality stuff the past two pages. I was losing it over Street Fighter v. Church vid that Brian posted. I've been transfixed with the Vine compilation vid for the past 10 minutes or so.
  13. The BRZ is like the George Zimmerman of cars.
  14. That book is absolutely awesome. I'm not sure if it's had any revisions since I read it back several years ago, but I'd imagine it could have had at least one. Duff, I'm sure you could find it on Amazon, etc.
  15. Highlights look dated Stupid brown belt Dumb shirt is tucked in Fingernails aren't painted Boobs aren't big enough Too fat 2.3/10 Would never have sex with or even talk to
  16. A few thoughts: 1. I am far too impulsive to ever responsibly own or ride a motorcycle. 2. If I did own one, I would always ride with all the gear. I'd walk around in the grocery store with all of it on, including the helmet. 3. I think any bird that gets hit by anything on the ground deserves to die. Seriously, if you have capability of flying over shit, and then get hit by something, then too bad, idiot.
  18. For the last time, anything you put on that prompter, Burgundy WILL read!
  19. http://www.stingrayforums.com/forum/attachments/stingray-corvette-wheels-tires/68d1358977785-stingray-corvette-renderings-hre-wheels-all-color-options-black.jpeg
  20. http://www.corvette7.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=525576&stc=1&d=1371788669 Edit: another pic, but too large, so just linking. http://www.gtspirit.com/wp-content/gallery/2014-chevrolet-corvette-stingray-in-all-colors/white.jpg
  21. P.S. Would really like to see the C7 in white. Second choice would be black. I know, duh. But I'm just saying.
  22. The yellow one, not so much. The red one looks fine, if not good, to me. I anticipate that I'll like it more and more the closer I get to actually buying one. If I'm standing next to one on the showroom floor, I'm probably rambling on and on about how exotic it looks and how much I can appreciate the changes in person, blah blah fucking blah. I know me.
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