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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. I'm sure the neighbors appreciate how their property values all skyrocketed with that thing in his driveway.
  2. Guns don't kill people; people with guns kill people.
  3. I can't quit doing the thing - WHAT IS IT AH HURT AH HURT AH HURT AH HURT
  4. Came back just to watch the Hand Thing again.
  5. Then we should take our freshly oiled guns and bodies to a reputable establishment for dinner, like Roosters.
  6. Confession: I got my CCW just so I could start a brawl at a BW3's and then shoot my way out in a blaze of glory. Looks like BW3's is smarter than I gave them credit for. Well played, BW3's - you've got the upper hand, for now...
  7. So, let me get this straight: it's fine for President Obama to send drones out and spy on me when I'm at Raisin Canes, but I can't target practice on the front lawn of the White House? Fucking liberals.
  8. Not fair: A business telling me what I can't do, like bring a gun inside. Fair: Telling a gay couple they can't get married.
  9. Ever wondered why the police are allowed to shoot at us but we aren't allowed to shoot at them? WTF is up with that stupid double standard? Fucking Obama.
  10. Same shit happened to me when I tried to board a flight to England. The TSA was all like, "Sir, you aren't allowed to have a firearm in the airport or on the plane." I explained - in a very rational way - that I was going to Europe, that they have different laws there, and I was very likely to get shot at when I was there (like in Ireland or Romania or China where they have a lot of gangs) AND that I was NOT about to allow another 9-11 incident occur on my watch. They said something about it being a "felony" and "illegal." I asked if they also considered a little thing called the "Constitution of the United States of America" to be illegal too. I told them all they could go move to Cuba because they were communist and told them I'd just buy a row boat and make my own way to England, guns and all.
  11. P.S. Say anything in support of gays, socialism, people not being allowed to shoot other people whenever they want, or police being allowed to ticket people and watch the CR masses flip the fuck out.
  12. http://images3.sex.com/images/pinporn/2012/05/04/192/207893-wet-and-busty-girl-in-hot-bikini.jpg Farkas just punched this chick in the face.
  13. I'm in tears right now. WTF FACTOR LEVEL INFINITE
  14. You can take that attitude and shove it up your muffler.
  15. Annoyed by many things in this video, including irrelevant subtitles. "Ooooh look at the Lambo and shit I bet that dude is tanned and jacked and smart and great in bed." Agreed that backstory is unnecessary and seems embellished.
  16. Looks like that dude got what he deserved - an ass beating and then some criminal charges. Well played, Captain CCW!
  17. 6) People that post three times in a row are legendary.
  18. 3) If you don't date a supermodel, GTFO 4) If you don't give something faster than an 8 second GTR, GTFO 5) If you don't have abs and hair of steel, you aren't me.
  19. It would be like someone being spotted out several cars and then claiming the race was run heads up.
  20. Those UGR Gallardos are like in a different world. I feel like I'm watching a sci fi film when they're racing. Fucking hyperdrive engaged.
  21. The dude in the Ford GT was racing everybody - like to see that.
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