I think Vick is probably one of the best athletes to ever play in the NFL. I'd put him up there with guys like Deion Sanders. Just pure, athletic talent. I watched him single-handedly keep Va Tech in the championship game against Florida State when Florida State was LOADED with all kinds of talent. I just think he isn't very smart, which limits his capacity to be an "elite" quarterback like, say, Manning, Brady, and Rodgers. I'm very excited to see what he'd do in a Kelly-based offensive system, which (as I understand it) would substantially lessen the cognitive burden placed on the QB. Essentially, Vick will just be able to be an athlete that can throw really well (does anyone besides Rodgers throw as pretty a spiral as Vick?) and won't have to make a bunch of crazy reads, etc. What do you guys think - am I way off base here?