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Dr. Pomade

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Posts posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Zavier is just upset that a slow, heavy '03 Cobra with Alteezas smoked his big single turbo FD. Apparently his dorito didn't have that SEC speeeeeeeeeed.


    Zavier, I would love to post that video, but I have no idea where to look. I might ask Linn if he has it.


    And, for the record, you're right, when you didn't manage to miss third gear (which was on 784 of the 785 pulls we did that night), our cars were pretty much even. Of course, when John Force misses a gear, he doesn't get to roll back to the starting line and tell them that he wants a do-over.

  2. First off I have never lost to a slow Cobra, I think you got me confused with another rx7 driver. My car was making 430hp, so I know you didn't race me. I'm sorry that your luckeyes didn't even make the Rose Bowl , but you should be able to beat Notre Dame. Look what Bama did to them in the championship Roll-tide


    There are so many things wrong here I don't even know where to begin:


    1. I'm not sure if my Cobra was slow or not, but you certainly lost to it. In fact, there's even video of it.

    2. Did you just quote the HP your car made as though that was a testament to how fast it is?

    3. Did you just type that it made 430HP as though that is a lot of HP?

    4. If you're Zavier that has/had a red FD, then I wore your ass out in a slow '03 Cobra, and mostly because you couldn't find third gear to save your life. I'm sure your 430HP car was plenty fast - with someone else driving it.

  3. I don't even remember you, is that your real screen name, because no one beat me coming from Dayton


    Yes this is really Tim Beck, the coach at Ohio State. And while my offensive play calling has left a lot to be desired, my 03 Cobra dragged your dorito all along 70 E.

  4. Random thoughts:


    - Florida's defense really impressed me. It's a shame they lost their QB earlier this year and had what I think was the equivalent of a CB playing the QB spot for them last night. I think had Florida's offense been able to at least sustain some drives and allowed the defense to at least catch their breath, it could have gone Florida's way easily


    - that said, Alabama's defense looks really good. I'm impressed with them as well.


    - all the Heisman contenders showed up last night. Though, I'm not sure if I am just being salty or truly objective here, but I really don't find it impressive when a running back has to have 40+ carries to get over 150 yards.


    - I'd like to see McCafferty (or whatever that kid's name is from Stanford) win the Heisman. It should go to the best player, and it's clear to me he's the best player. Watson is the best QB, Henry is the best RB (though it's debatable with Elliot and Fournette in that mix), but McCafferty is the best player. (Unfortunately, the Heisman all too often just goes to the best QB on a really good/the best team.)


    - so as a consolation prize, we get to go smoke Notre Dame in the Fiesta Bowl (a decade has past, so Notre Dame is due for their 10-year beating at Ohio State's hands) or go get in a dog fight with Stanford in the Rose Bowl. I'm okay with either. Of course, I'm disappointed with us not having a chance at the playoff, but that's our fault, not anyone else's


    -I am now a huge Michigan State fan. Wouldn't it be great to have B10 teams win it back to back? Not that I want to be a B10 honk, but I know what another NC would mean in terms of enhancing the team's clout and Ohio State's chances moving forward


    -if Michigan State doesn't win it, then I hope Clemson does. If Clemson doesn't, then I'm pulling for Oklahoma. Alabama, you've already won enough lately.

  5. If you truly remember that game Bama was on fire and the no call safety is the play that changed that game. Cardale was down in the end zone, period. Those two points plus a possession before the half was over. Instead the no call and then Thomas/zeke busted a huge play and the game changed.


    Also it was hardly a beating it was a good match up between both teams. Bamas secondary was garbage and we created to much space in the flat. Bamas defense this year and ALOT better then last year and Bamas offense is years better then a Blake sims offense. if you have ever been a Bama fan and watched games they don't have a flashy faced paced offense. They never have a superstar QB, they always have had a guy that didn't turn the ball over. They have a mobile wide out( J. jones and A. Cooper) and a big dominant back. This years combo between Henry, Cooper, Howard, Drake, and Mullaney is a pretty lethal set.


    Stop with the comparison of last year Bama to this year. Two totally different teams. Kind of like how the Buckeyes scored at will last year and looked like a dominant team against everyone. This year they were lack luster all year round. It bit them in the ass against their first real test. Then the following week they played a good game against M but that doesn't make up for all the close calls ans shoddy performances the rest of the season. One game doesn't mean shit if the other 11 weren't amazing.


    Anyway we will enjoy our SEC title and play in the play off. Cheers


    Did that just happen?



  6. Dat fake punt doe


    I think it was an improv on the part of the punter. I think he thought we would get the punt blocked if he tried to punt as planned and then thought he had more space to run than what he really did.


    That's why Dabo was going so nuts - it clearly wasn't a fake punt that was a called play.

  7. Keep rooting! Everyone can have a dream, just remember dreams don't come true .

    National champion 2009, 2011, 2012 and soon to be 2015


    Ohio State would put a beating on Bama this year about the same as the beating I put on you about 10 years ago on a return trip from Dayton.

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