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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. What the hell happened to The Kitchen? Seriously, wow.
  2. Exactly. Should OSU win (and I believe that they will), then I don't want there being ANY excuses as to why LSU didn't win. With a win over LSU - the team hand-picked by the nation to face us from SEC, regarded as the most dominant conference in the nation - in the title game, coupled with an win next year over USC - regarded as one of, if not the, most dominant programs in the nation since 2000 - then I think that OSU's reputation nationally will be, in the least, restored from the debacle involving Florida.
  3. We were decided favorites against Florida in last year's title game. Give it some time, it should rise a little bit, especially with continued reports of LSU getting healthier.
  4. So, LSU is a five-and-a-half point favorite. Of course they are.
  5. Congrats on the acquisition; it's a beautiful car.
  6. LOL, wait, what, it's not?
  7. Still doesn't work for me. (Can anyone else get the link to work?)
  8. LOL, true story. The place was going fucking beserk 15 seconds into the game. As Ginn's running it in (and, in fact was running directionally right at us where our seats were located), I'm thinking, "We could end up beating this team by 40 points." Then a trainwreck occurred and for the next what seemed to be 6173 minutes Florida proceeded to manhandle OSU. I still have nightmares of the fucking chant, "I'M PROUD - TO BE - A FLOR-IDA GATOR - SAID I'M PROUD - TO BE - A FLOR-IDA GATOR!" with the accompanying "Gator Chomp."
  9. Honestly, I'd like for Michigan to smoke Florida, if for nothing more than the Big 10 to claim a victory over the SEC. I just that it's going to take a small miracle for that to happen, considering Florida's offensive scheme and the problems Michigan has had defending offensive schemes like theirs. Maybe the seniors will find a way to win for Carr, given that it'll be his last game. I clicked the link, but it said the page could not be found.
  10. Unless Michigan does something extraordinary, I'd predict nothing short of a massacre. Tebow could possibly account for 50 more touchdowns in that game alone.
  11. True story. I guess I haven't been interested enough in any other topic here to contribute. Hmm, provocative. I can't say that I disagree - I can see where OSU, by establishing a strong running attack, could put up that many points and, commensurately, hold LSU to that few of points. Yet, I can't help but think that, should a few things not go right for OSU, you could end up with the same score, just with LSU being the one with 38.
  12. No, I do not party this hard, ever. But I appreciate you asking if I do.
  13. To whom are you referring?
  14. No they're not. They're simply operating in the system that is in place. Sure, the system is flawed, but that's not OSU's fault.
  15. I'd pay $250 for the opportunity to punch Mark May in the face.
  16. This is probably the best possible scenario for OSU to win it all. OSU will match up better against LSU than it would have against, say, the spread offense of West Virginia. Also, OSU will get to hear for the next month how they are too slow to hang with LSU and how OSU doesn't deserve to be there and how great the SEC is and how OSU will get waxed just like it did last year against Florida. They'll have an underdog mentality - sort of like Florida had last year entering the title game. That should provide them with plenty of motivation. When was the last time OSU was considered unworthy of the title game and completely undermatched against a fast, athletic team? Oh, that's right, when OSU beat Miami in the national championship. I'm thinking there are a lot of parallels between that game and this one. EDIT: Am I the only one that kind of likes the idea that they'll be playing in a hostile environment - kind of like a home game for LSU - at the Superdome? It seems to me that, as of late, OSU plays better when away from the comfortable confines of Ohio Stadium and in a hostile place, as though it helps them focus.
  17. Doubtful as to the veracity of that at this moment. Certainly, I think it's nearly a given that Michigan will offer Les Miles the job - and that he'll in turn accept it - but I don't think anything official has happened at this point. In fact, IIRC, upon the request of LSU, Les Miles has agreed to wait until after the SEC championship game (tonight) before he speaks with Michigan officials.
  18. John, can I play devil's advocate for a bit? True, voters kept out Michigan last year and, in doing so, used the argument that UM didn't win its conference. Yet, we know, historically, that's not always the case - remember when Oklahoma got drubbed by Kansas State in the Big 12 game and still went on to the title game? And didn't something similar happen with Nebraska in or around 2001? (Nebraska that year made to the title game and got manhandled by Miami, IIRC.) So, winning your conference isn't an absolute MUST, though, at least by least year's standards, it seems it was. Also, a two-loss LSU is more deserving than a one-loss Kansas? Again, just playing devil's advocate.
  19. Side note (and my apologies for the slightly off-topic post): Does anyone have recommendations on where to go for service on an XBOX 360? Mine decided to freak out on me recently: while it turns on and I get a menu screen and all that good stuff, it just simply refuses to play anything (XBOX 360 games, DVDs) now. Not sure what happened, but I'd like to get it fixed. I bought it last Christmas, so not sure if it is still (or ever was?) under warranty. Anyway, suggestions are appreciated.
  20. If both WVU and Missouri lose, then all hell will surely break loose. Georgia would appear poised to inherit the second spot by virtue of their current standing. Yet, pollsters may not like - legitimately, I may add - that a team could play for the NC and not even play in (let alone win) their conference championship game. So, that begs the question, if both WVU and Mizzou should lose, and Georgia doesn't get/deserve the spot, then who? Kansas is next in line according to the BCS standings, but it's unlikely that they'd get enough votes to leapfrog Georgia, given than Kansas lost the last game it played (and, like the argument against Georgia, won't even have played in - let alone won - it's conference champsionship game). Virginia Tech and LSU are perhaps poised to make a leap, pending their performances in their respective conference championship games. Yet, should both of them annhilate their respective opponents in the conference championship games, it would be difficult to legitimately put Virginia Tech in the title game ahead of LSU, considering that LSU worked over Virginia Tech earlier this year. USC, as has been mentioned, is probably playing some of the best football in the nation currently (which is what they always seem to do come the end of the year, isn't it?), though, IMO, they are a little too far out to get any realistic consideration for the title game. Similarly, OU has as much of an argument as anyone else - especially if they drub Missouri in the Big 12 championship game - though, like USC, they are probably a little too far out to make up the necessary ground.
  21. LOL, I know, it's ridiculous to think that Georgia could play in the national championship game without even playing in the SEC championship game, but, under the "doomsday scenario" - in which both Missouri AND WVU lose, I believe it would be OSU and Georgia in the national title game. Again, I think it's ridiculous, but feasible.
  22. When the BCS rankings are released, OSU should be #3, behind Missouri at #1 and West Virginia at #2. As noted already in this thread, OSU will need Missouri to get beat by Oklahoma OR West Virginia to get beat by Pitt in order to slide into the championship game. IMO, it's unlikely that WVU will get beat by Pitt, though OU has a very legitimate shot of beating Missouri (again). If Missouri beats Oklahoma and WVU beats Pitt, then OSU will play in the Rose Bowl - against (probably) USC.
  23. Depending on how many underclassmen we lose to the NFL draft this year, which shouldn't be many, OSU is likely to be highly ranked coming into next season. (Oklahoma seems to be the odds-on favorite to be the preseason #1 come next year. Of course, we've all seen just how silly pre-season ratings based on how this season has played out.) USC, I would think, should be highly ranked next year as well. That should only heighten the intensity of the match-up between the two. Though I hate to admit it, I'm with you - I really didn't want OSU playing LSU in the title game. A moot point, now, but, still, I'm glad that possibility has been eliminated. As for losing Ginn in last year's game, yeah, I'm sure that contributed to the loss. Would they have won had Ginn been in the whole game? Probably not, given as poorly as the rest of the team played, but, then again, I guess we'll never really know.
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