Huh? How exactly did I put words in your mouth? Is this how you debate things? Just make shit up as you go along?
Tilley: Well, I'd like to think that evolution by natural selection is a viable theory from a scientific standpoint.
V8KILR: Actually, the person who came up with the theory of evolution by natural selection committed suicide because God told him to.
Tilley: Darwin didn't commit suicide.
V8KILR: Yes he did. And he was gay. And that's why God didn't like him.
Tilley: Uh, I'm pretty sure you just made that up.
V8KILR: I think you just made up what you said.
Tilley: You're not making any sense.
V8KILR: I claim victory in the name of the Lord!
And, don't get your panties in a bunch - by "issues," I mean that you and I will be forced to continue this discussion, which, as a result, will either end in you looking silly or me repeatedly bashing my head into a wall.