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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Not making the cut = Mazda, Hyundai, Ford, or Infiniti Still in the running = Cadillac, Audi, BMW Please continue. TIA
  2. From what I've seen lately, Alvarez is a douche. I'm not surprised in the least that he will be coaching bowl game. I bet he is fine with Anderson leaving so that he could indulge his God complex a bit over the holidays.
  3. I saw an A6 recently and really liked it. However, I hate Audi's electronic controls for the radio, navigation, etc. Specifically, you have to use this dial for everything and I find that incredibly annoying.
  4. I know, I'm just as guilty as everyone else. What can I say? CR is fairly influential. I mean, it's pretty much the greatest collection of minds on the internet. Clearly, I'm not sure what I want. If I was, then I wouldn't be asking for opinions.
  5. I love CR: I ask for help finding a daily, say I don't care about how fast it is, and the thread quickly derails into convincing me that a TT kit should be put on whatever I buy. Yup, I'm about over the German maintenance crap. Went through it with a Mercedes and an Audi and would rather not have to deal with it. You seriously have me considering a CTS-V now. My only concern is gas mileage. Then again, something an A4 isn't going to get THAT much better gas mileage, is it? I don't want to be that guy, but I kind of am that guy, and I'm not sure I can get past that it's a Hyundai.
  6. Am I getting trolled? Serious question.
  7. I still can't get over the disparity that comes with that rear spoiler and that back-end panel or whatever it is that is that's a different color (on any except the black cars). As a fan of white, the contrast is jarring. Honestly, I prefer the looks of the C6 Z06 and even the Vipers to this design. Sure, I'd drive the piss out of it, but something about its looks aren't quite sitting right with me yet.
  8. LOL, copy that. Well played. I hate you, but well played. Now you've gone and done it. So, who here can find me the best local deal on a used, but newer model Caddy CTS? Is the one Wags just posted a good deal? What's the maintenance like on these cars - comparable to the Germans' luxury equivalent or less?
  9. Thoughts on this car - Caddy ATS? http://www.autotrader.com/cars-for-sale/vehicledetails.xhtml?zip=43201&endYear=2014&vehicleStyleCodes=COUPE%2CSEDAN&showcaseOwnerId=67968&startYear=2012&transmissionCode=AUT&transmissionCodes=AUT&searchRadius=75&maxPrice=40000&extColorsSimple=WHITE&showcaseListingId=375573987&minPrice=30000&listingId=375166309&Log=0
  10. I'll be happy sad when we move on to page 9 and I can stop being oddly aroused by the pregnant chick with huge boobs that pops up at the top of this page.
  11. Resale value definitely matters to me, since I rarely keep a car longer than a few years. I know you said seriously, but I can't believe you're serious about the Prius or the motorcycle. In any event, I wouldn't even get good gas mileage in a Prius the way I drive. Yeah, I'm with you on getting the fairly new used cars. I will never buy brand new ever again. I like for the other guy to take the depreciation hit.
  12. I'd like to stay in the used 5-series BMW price range, I guess? I'm trying to be as economical as possible.
  13. I'm in the market for a daily driver. I'm leaning toward a 5-series BMW or an A4 or A6. I'm open to other possibilities. Thoughts or suggestions? I think I'd prefer a sedan, but can do a coupe. I do a fair amount of driving, so gas mileage matters. I won't mod it and don't care about how fast it is or isn't. I'm not going to buy new, but would prefer a newer model. Also, if you're really awesome, feel free to post links to cars you come across in the area. There's an A4 and a BMW at Toy Barn - both white (of course, that's my preference) - that caught my eye, so let me know if you have thoughts about them.
  14. How would anyone with half a brain think that Gardner was the reason why Michigan lost to Ohio State?
  15. Josh, uniforms aren't the deciding reason why a student chooses to go to a school, so stop acting like we're saying they are. Of course, all those things you mentioned play a bigger role. But, to act like uniforms don't register somewhere on the player's interest meter is naïve. Hell, we're grown men and we're sitting around debating the merits of black stripes and green stickers on uniforms - don't you think 19 year old guys are saying similar things? Also, the uniform variety is more about just a uniform - it's about a culture. The Oregons of the world are portraying themselves as cutting edge, trendy, at the forefront of change, etc. with their uniforms. And that kind of culture sells to certain folks. And, like you've said, the Oregons of the world need to do something like that because they don't have a storied tradition to fall back on, like the Penn States and Alabamas of the college universe.
  16. Oh, gotcha - now I follow. And I agree with you - we wouldn't be able to tell necessarily if a car is an auto or not based on footage from a camera strapped to it. Not a dumb comment. Just takes me a while to catch on sometimes. It's part of my charm.
  17. Not sure if I follow what you're saying. To me, it was pretty clear that the Vette wasn't shifting all that well, based on how he was falling behind on so many of his shifts.
  18. While DJ and I disagree on the Ohio State alternate unis, I agree with him wholeheartedly that uniforms are meaningful to the players. Sometimes it's easy to forget they're all adolescents. Also, I laughed out loud at the falling off the bike reference. Falling off a bike is one of those things that, if you do it, there is simply no way to not look like a complete moron. Other things that are mutually exclusive with being cool? Falling up stairs and getting hit in the face with any ball - basketball, football, etc. Bonus uncool points if, after getting in the head with the ball, the sunglasses you are wearing fall off.
  19. Against Clemson? A game that we lost...and the same team that beat us in the last bowl game? THANKS FOR THE FOND MEMORIES NIKE
  20. Me either. Call me grumpy cat, I suppose. Our current alternate unis look like some 5th grader got inspired by a Tron movie. The stripe on the helmet is too big, the brushed metal or whatever is boring and reminds me of a homeless robot, the metallic green Buckeye leaves are, well, green, so I don't really need to say anything more there, the red on the helmet doesn't match the red on the jerseys (huge pet peeve; same color disparity has irked me for years when it comes to the NY Giants uniforms), and the numbers look like they are exaggerated and enlarged to help people with visual disabilities. Fuck those things.
  21. Change "doesn't" to "does" and see if that helps.
  22. Did you see the same vid I did? When the Vette wasn't just flat out missing gears, he was losing a half to whole car lengths on his shifts. Serious question, is that Viper an automatic? Because, if it isn't, that Vette driver just made it look like one.
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