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el aguila

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Everything posted by el aguila

  1. I work at the Lowe's in Lima. I'd hook you up for 10% off but I can only buy big shit like this once every 5 years I think? Chain link is sold in 50ft sections so if you need 170 ft you're gonna need 4 50ft sections. they come in either 4 or 5ft tall and run $80-100 for each section. You can get Lowe's to install it but it runs $4.50 a foot I think. Lemme know if you need any more info.
  2. el aguila

    2007 Mustang

    I don't see how anyone could like those.
  3. This window circuit may use a PTC or NTC thermistor. With a PTC, as temp goes up, so does resistance. With an NTC, as temp goes up resistance goes down. That could be your problem.
  4. Q: Why are some rotors drilled or slotted? A: Rotors are drilled to reduce rotating weight, an issue near and dear to racers searching for ways to minimize unsprung weight. Drilling diminishes a rotor's durability and cooling capacity. Slots or grooves in rotor faces are partly a carryover from the days of asbestos pads. Asbestos and other organic pads were prone to "glazing" and the slots tended to help "scrape or de-glaze" them. Drilling and slotting rotors has become popular in street applications for their pure aesthetic value. Wilwood has a large selection of drilled and slotted rotors for a wide range of applications www.wilwood.com
  5. That's true. My parents ended up getting some money back due to it.
  6. +1 for the Lima Auto mall sighting It's gone now though. Was there for maybe 4 days? How'd it get up here? And I haven't seen any Tom Ahl ads on TV recently.
  7. Jimmy you never cease to amaze me. Fucking awesome! Makes me wish I was back at home.
  8. Finally someone says it. Everyone else is just spouting out turbos with no idea with how they'll perform on his car. Get compressor maps of the turbos you are considering.
  9. I'd go look for a 442 in a junkyard as they came with these in the 80's.
  10. Depends on what kind of valve it is. If it's just a plain old diaphragm valve, apply vacuum to it and it should open slowly. If it's a positive backpressure valve, rev the engine at idle to around 2-3k RPM and apply vacuum to it and it should open. If it's a negative backpressure test with engine off and apply vacuum and it should open. N or P is on the valve for negative or positive.
  11. Crush sleeve to achieve proper pinion bearing turning preload with in lb torque wrench.
  12. Read my first post. I said it doesn't open at WOT
  13. I'm referring to both actually. From the emissions standpoint it is used to control NOx, and from the "knock" standpoint, it controls this also. When the ECU "hears" "knock" (from the knock sensor), it can do one of three things: 1. retard timing 2. add more fuel (to cool) 3. Open EGR
  14. Cut the fuel line with a very small hacksaw blade going very slow and add a piece of Goodyear high pressure fuel line. Double clamp it. I do this on all the AWD fuel pump installs and have had no problems.
  15. EGR isn't open at idle. Unless your EGR valve was stuck open, it won't make a difference.
  16. EGR recirculates exhaust back into the engine to help control NOx (oxides of nitrogen). These occur at extremely high combustion temperatures(above 2500 degrees if I'm not mistaken). NOx (It is an X because the amount can vary, NO, NO2, ect.) NOx are harmful to the atmosphere. Not only does EGR control NOx, it also CONTROLS knock by diluting the air/fuel mixture with inert exhaust gas (exhaust gas will not burn, thus lowering exhaust gas temperatures). EGR has a "leaning" effect when it is purged into the cylinder, which is why it is only purged on mild acceleration and coasting, not at idle or WOT. Keep your EGR, it does nothing but help your gas mileage, keep your engine knock counts lower and mother earth happy.
  17. PM'd you. Also, does it have 2 female plugs on the top unit, and a cable that connects the two?
  18. VERY INTERESTED! graemlins/jerkit.gifgraemlins/gay.gif
  19. If it is a separate radio and CD player, I need the trim piece (I'll send mine back in exchange). Oh yea, and it has to work!
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