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el aguila

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Everything posted by el aguila

  1. Dad might be interested maybe. I'll let you know.
  2. Get a regular lead acid battery and you'll be fine. [ 29. January 2005, 12:56 AM: Message edited by: el aguila ]
  3. Cold if it is an aluminum head.
  4. What I'd like to say at work- Customer: Hi, can you help me? Me: Fuck off.
  5. Did you try connecting the new headunits 12v and ground to the battery?
  6. Doesn't have to be on the balancer. Also could be on the flywheel (windows for hall-effect and teeth for PM generator). Check the back of the block. I bet you'll find it there if you can't find it anywhere else. *edit* Did you check the distributor if it has one? [ 15. January 2005, 11:25 AM: Message edited by: el aguila ]
  7. I know both cars personally. The motor in the White LS as far as I know had a hole in the block and of course was ghetto repaired. Fear neither of these cars.
  8. and get rid of that bottleneck exhaust.
  9. There's no way you're "hydrolocking" the engine if it runs "after a few oil changes". Hydrolocking is exactly what it's name implies-lock.
  10. I know what car you're talking about (or at least I think I do). Does your son live at S&P Apartments? +1 on Mr. Morgan's book. I took a look at it and it's very in depth and is awesome to having a teacher who writes his own material.
  11. I had an EGT and hated it. Was always inconsistent. Do you have any way to monitor your knock sensor (if equipped)?
  12. Ahahaha...yea and what's sad is the teacher is the one working on it. Also forgot to add john deere, detroit, cat, and nut hugger jeans and mullets. Aside from all the BS that gets thrown around up here, the teacher to student ratio is great and they'll help you with anything. education=good students=bad
  13. If you like big belt buckles, 4 wheel drive, 33" super swampers, 6" lifts, cummins, corn, and chew then UNO is the place for you.
  14. I'd say something bad but I'm too afraid of check out time.
  15. Autozone has a 40+ piece tap and die kit for $20 bucks. Buy it. You'll end up using it again.
  16. Will you guys match prices?
  17. Nevermind found them online. Wanted color screen.
  18. Probably a wheel speed sensor. Check to make sure snow isn't on the teeth of the reluctor wheel.
  19. Make sure the VSS connection is good and tight.
  20. FYI, scavenging is done when both the exhaust and intake valves are open very briefly for a short time to purge the cylinder of any exhaust left.
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