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Everything posted by skold

  1. found it under the beater, must have falling out when i got out of the evo late last night. thanx for all the help and worry.
  2. hyundai is using all mitsu motors now.
  3. thanx guys, yeah wallet has like 25k worth of credit cards in it
  4. LOST MY WALLET LAST NIGIHT ON THE CRUISE!!! Its a brown American Eagle Wallet with a creams color eagle on it. drivers lic name Rick E Williams II the address is wrong on it REWARD IF FOUND
  5. Awesome that s agood amount of money fast. we goign to make a annual cruise cookout car show / fund raiser for George?
  6. Sam i gave you my money at HD you give it to Michelle?
  7. lexus of dublin if you need to set upa meeting i can get cha one, i could also get you a job at caddy of easton, their engine builder is leaving and the manager there is awesome
  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synthetic_oil
  9. PM me all your vehicle info. has for amsoil being the best, the biggest difference is the Viscosity index, which is the oils density in extremely cold and hot temps, Amsoils changes a very tiny % this meaning the oil does not wear out. its like taking your sweat pants and pulling on the waist band for 2 days solid, the waist will where out, due to the constant viscosity index, and amsoil being a lighter oil that the competitors, ( first oil to be 100% API approved.) it means you have a lighter oil protecting as much as much heavier oils, and sinces the viscosity index doesnt change but a few percent you have a oil the will protect long, last long, reduce "drag" on transferring compents, prolong life, and add power/
  10. amsoil was the first 100% fully synthetic oil, came out in 1972 visit my site and read the 409,000 mile oil change article in the upper right hand
  11. amsoil was the first 100% fully synthetic oil, came out in 1972
  12. Are you good with sales? i could have a job for you PM me about it.
  13. we should write tentv a letter about how nice of a guy george was and if anything the wreck was an ACCIDENT and have the forum sign a letter saying all of us agree something other than a guy wanting to go fast a happened.
  14. Sick and tired of paying retail prices on oil, spark, plugs, air filters, wipers, and detail products? Sign up today as an AMSOIL preferred customer and get whole sale prices with no mark up. Pm me for details, or go to highperformanceoil.net and fill out the PERFERRED CUSTOMER APP in the upper left hand corner.
  15. tools cost alot, my tools and box are 40g's ill take a pic of this dudes box at work 27k just for box, mike im glad to see your getting a car again.
  16. two guys that work at lexus work with intersport motorsports im sure they could hook you up, or germain also has a nascar truck team
  17. you might be able to get a job at lexus where i work are are short one guy
  18. skold

    Race Gas

    there is a place by the jegs wharehouse called fuel depot, that has 110 and 116 out of a pump!
  19. it works a fine, not blubs fed up, can i come and see it some time.?
  20. can i look at it some time, im a Lexus Cert. Tech.
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