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Everything posted by skold

  1. skold

    Prosport gauges

    Ok guess I can get you all Prosport gauges for 15% off msrp. any buddy wants any?
  2. what pcv system is on the car stock? or a crappy catch can? you have to have vac in the crank case or your gonna get bad blow by. my rx7 with a 4in exhaust with nothing in it at all didnt smoke that bad, nor does my evo will a full 3in. and i had an a4 with a catless dp and it didnt do it.
  3. clean your mass air flow sensor, those cars uses the same maf as toyota's when you take it out look at it there is a intake temp bulb and then when you look those it there are 2 wires, those read the amount of air flow,, i bet they are dirty, go to like napa and get crc maf cleaner spray it on the bulb and then down on those 2 wires, and blow gun it clean.
  4. youg ot that box off ed miller, he used to be my service writer
  5. ill take her i get my house sunday
  6. just like title says brand new aem wide band 235. never opened
  7. i have a brand new walbro for a 2 g and stleath ill sell cheap for the project. 35 bux
  8. isf is return side! oil pump . feed side . oil pump pulls from pan sacv pump . return side . sacv pump sucks from head and it end up on oil pan a big cycle
  9. for a 00+ celica 200 bucks, new in box got them for a friend and he back out
  10. willing to trade some brand new pte 1000cc injectors for them? or a agency power wrx turbo inlet pipe
  11. oil pan | stock pump ============>head<========sacv pump=======>oil pan | stock pump ============>head<========sacv pump=======>
  12. yeah is-f runs then, it works as pull up, kinda like a inline helper fuel pump! so instead of having a gravity oil system. you have a force feed system. stock pump will pump oil up from the oil pan, the sacv will suck it from the other side. works awesome, the is-f is belt driven so the higher the rpm the faster it works.
  13. call me first thing thursday
  14. cash in hadn still waiting for a call
  15. i started at lexus flat rate at 9.00/hr 6 years ago cuase i had no exp or schooling, that all changed tho, just work hard some were and youll move up the ranks, keep you mouth shut turn your wrench do good work and youll move up. I would suggest going to germain caddy. call me for more details 614-989-4814
  16. Thanx, I saw my phone called you for no reason im sorry, but hey I got some stuff to talk to you about so call me. 614-989-4814 rick
  17. I need a mitsu block bored .020 over any shop suggestions
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