well heres he low down. ive played sports all my life, and i could never et big in the gym. i got back in to lifting. i lifted 4 times a week for 3 months and i cant get big, i owul dliek to have a good size chest and arms. any ideas, or any one will to help me in the gym. im not too worried about lower body jsut upper
my routines:
Hamemr curls : 5 sets of 10
Iso curls : 3 sets of 12
flat bar curls : 3 sets of 10
cable curls : 3 sets of 10
tri extentions : 3sets of 10
90 degree tri extentions : 3 sets of 10
tri kick backs : 3 sets or 10
incline bench : 3 sets 10,8,6 high weight
flat bench : 3 sets 10,8,6 high weight
decline bench : 3 sets 10,8,6 high weight
lat pull downs
one arm rows
and this thing where you sit in a chiar and lean forward and pull weight to your chest
all 5 sets of 10