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Fiji ST

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Posts posted by Fiji ST

  1. I need a couch for my room at school. Doesn't need to be fancy or anything. I just need something that decently clean, nothing broken and cheap. If anyone's got one or knows anyone who has one, let me know.



  2. yeah alot of poeple from CR . NeonKiller/Lustalbert/302powered/hotrodmomma/zuht/daze/crash/TJ(dunnohandle)/ and few others i cant remember


    I was there too for a last minute car show with a few friends of mine. We'd left around 11 since some people who showed up didn't seem to like domestic FWDs.


    NeonKiller, I met you yesterday at that car show off High st. I was the bearded guy with OhioRides CC. I knew I've seen your car, but I couldn't remember where. It was good to meet you.

  3. PETA is almost as bad as those jackasses that stand on the street holding up posters of aborted fetuses. IT's times like these that wish we didn't have a 1st Amendment just so people like these can shoot off their damn mouths.


    Good find nonetheless. Very informative. Does anyone know of any blowback from this show?

  4. So, you retained salvage on the vehicle right? The insurance company would have reduced the settlement (check that they give you for the car) by the salvage amount they would expect to get out of it at auction. In most cases it's only a couple of hundred dollars. If you haven't settled yet, and you don't have any desire to part it out yourself, you'll probably be better off letting the insurance company take it. As a whole car, it isn't worth too much, but if you're willing, able, and patient enough to hang on to it and sell it one good part at a time, you should be able to get just about NADA value for it.


    I have the car because I didn't have full coverage on it and since they didnt cut me a check, I kept it. (Yes, dumb idea not to have full, but insurance over $2500/yr.) I thought about parting it out, but as a full-time college student, I can't spend countless hours stripping a car, so I am looking to sell it as-is. I do have someone who will pay between 750-1k for it, but if I can get closer to the 4k it is worth, I would be very happy. And someone suggested that recyclers will pay good money for a car that is mostly intact and in good running order.

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