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Everything posted by fooswinger

  1. Cool.....so what like 50 questions....you can't miss more than 7 right?
  2. alright sweet....that's what I'm gonna do all this week.I hate going to the dmv...and I'll be damned If I have to pay 50 bucks
  3. Well I'm looking to get my temps on saturday so I can go riding and everyone tells me you'll fail the first time. If I throughly go through that book I think I should be fine right? Let me know if anyone else had problems w/the temps test?Anything I should know or if anyone remembers any certain trick questions. thanks fellas
  4. g4 titanium powerbook 800mhz/1 gig of ram/30 gig hdd & 40 gig hdd/airport card/combo drive(dvdcdrw) Tiger 10.4 installed and microsoft 2004 looking for motorcycle to trade......
  5. yes I still have the g4 emac and powerbook 850.00 emac 350
  6. Anyone Check Out The 10 Day Forecast Lately?high 60's Late this Week And 70 On Saturday. Oh Hell Yeah!!!
  7. wanting to trade my g4 powerbook and xbox w/160 gig hdd for a good beginner bike let me know looking to do this by next weekend if possible thanks brian
  8. come on people....someone's got a bike out there....send me all offers
  9. thanks for the info Alright Anyone have a bike they wanta trade?All offers accepted
  10. I'm looking to get a helmet and jacket soon so I want to know what are some comfortable helmets and jackets yet #1 in safety let me know, brian Also where to get them cheap?ebay?
  11. I'm gonna be getting a gsxr600....I want to be able to completely control it w/o any problems...the 250/500 bike stlyes look a little cheezy too.
  12. g4 titanium powerbook 800mhz/1 gig ram/30 gig hdd/combo drive/brand new battery/ac adapter/airport card tiger 10.4/and a bunch of other software.It's got some scuff marks on screen,but honestly when the screen is on you don't even notice them. also it has chipped paint on case. What kind of bikes you got? pm me or contact me today I'm trying to get a bike by this weekend
  13. anyone have a 250cc for sale of any sort?Willing to trade for g4 powerbook or g4 emac
  14. fooswinger


    3 fav games......cs....halo(I play on xbconnect) and KINGPIN!!! and soon Kingpin 2 when it gets realeased on xbox 360....hopefully
  15. updated auction...ends tommorow thursday http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1,1&item=8042543578&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT
  16. thanks...alright well...I had a dead bid bidder on these rims.....umm I'll sell them for $200.00..
  17. Looking for beginner bike to buy.....I have lots to trade g4 powerbook laptop that I'd be willing to trade for a nice bike.....pm me and throw me some offers
  18. hey man, I've got a question for ya.....do you guys get a lot of returns on the motorola v265. The reason I ask is b/c this is the 2nd one I've had in one year and this thing sucks.It randomly turns off,camera says it's busy. How's the return policy work and is it possible to get an upgrade for free b/c of it. pm me.. thanks man, brian
  19. torrentspy's great.....I did get a virus last week though when my wife tried to download umm photoshop image viewer or something like that....but just read what everyone says and that'll tell ya all you need to know if it's safe or not.
  20. Well I'll tell you my story..... Last friday I was at the shell station at east main st in reynoldsburg/whitehall and so I pulled up started pumping my gas...ya know nothing big.... and then all of a sudden, out of the corner of my eye I saw a tire on a rim roll past me in the gas station and nail this really nice honda for sale.It must of been going 10-15 mph ...and then just nailed the side of this car and bounced off and kept rolling.....funny as hell....lmao so there's my story, hope it made you laugh
  21. Anyone interested.....I will let it go for 225.00........Modded system w/chip and a 160 gig hdd,1 controller and cables. email me, pm me or call me 614-937-1086
  22. not sold yet.....still waiting for buyer...
  23. Selling my G4 snow white Emac w/Tiger 10.4 installed. Pc in very good condition, has a very very slight light burn mark on screen from sign on screen being left on.Not even noticable though so STill in mint condition. Specs: 700mhz 1 gig ram 40 gig hdd dvdcdrw 17inch flat screen monitor software installed: Tiger 10.4 microsoft office 2004 Itunes Adope Photoshop 7.0 and more.... Comes w/a standard keyboard and Microsoft wireless intellimouse. $250.00 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v53/DashaGVR/emacside.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v53/DashaGVR/emacfront.jpg
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