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Everything posted by fooswinger

  1. That's what I was thinking....only problem is, there's gonna be 3 of us going to the game. So I'm hoping that it won't be that hard... Ebay's outrageous....they had steelers vs bengals 2 tickets 500+ thanks john
  2. I need 3/4 tickets for the bengals vs browns game this weekend? please pm or email me at foodiddy@hotmail.com or call me at 614-937-1086 w/any offers thanks, brian
  3. yes still for sale...Everyone call me tonight 614-937-1086
  4. Selling one of my computers... it's a compaq deskpro en 1000mhz/256/20 gig/cd w/brand new keyboard and mouse. $150.00 w/monitor and $125.00 w/o pm or call me at 614-937-1086 I'd like to get rid of it asap
  5. Please contact a CR Admin for advertising rates.
  6. 1000.00? 5sp 125,000 rebuilt engine and trans,new exhaust and tires
  7. Hey guys Well I'm closing on my house end of august so I'm looking to see if anyone knows anyone who does home repair. I'm gonna be putting in lamitate floors as well as carpet but I would like to hire someone to do the carpet(3 bedrooms/basement)700sq ft So if anyone can get me any prices that would be great thanks, brian cell#614-937-1086
  8. I'm moving into a house soon so I'm gonna need a truck, If anyone wants to trade me there pick up truck for my 89 honda civic hatchback w/125000 miles let me know.The car is in alright decent condition w/very good interior.Everything works let me know if your interested? Pm or call me on my cell 614-937-1086
  9. I'm trying to make an offer on a house and I was wondering if anyone knows where I can get a free contract to download? I've tried googling it to see if anything's free but can't seem to find one Please let me know before 4pm
  10. hahaha lol my bro said that when we got there.....lol
  11. I put the seatbelt on as soon as I saw him pull out, I've been pulled over for the license plate before. Also, not wearing a seatbelt you can get pulled over just for that "click it or ticket"
  12. I got pulled over today by a Sheriff for no front license plate and no seat belt. No front license plate $75.00 No seat belt $50.00 I couldn't believe it but my question is...Since we don't have the choice to wear seat belts. HOW COME PEOPLE ON MOTORCYCLES DON'T HAVE TO WEAR HELMETS BY LAW AND THAT'S THE ONLY THING THAT'S SAVING THEM FROM LIVING. HEH?
  13. Anyone ever been there? Well the best way for me to describe it, is it's like Jurrasic Park. It's located in Zanesville. It's owned and operated by the columbus zoo. It's like a safari on a bus through 10,000 acres. The buses are pretty cool, they have some that are enclosed w/ac or you can ride on the busses that are like huge jeeps or convertibles, that have like a canvas top covering the bus. It's about an hour and a half tour. You get to see like Rhinos, bison, zebras, giraffe's and many other animals. At one point you get out of the bus and go down to the lake to feed the catfish or watch the wild horses and giraffe's. But anyhow if your looking for something fun to do, and something different rather then just walking around the zoo, Go check out "The Wilds" The animals will come right up next to the bus, I've had the giraffe's stick the heads in the bus.Pretty cool Adult tickets $14.00 Kids over 5 $9.00 Kids under 4 FREE
  14. alright well thanks for the help man, It's nice to have a repair that didn't cost ya anything. I looked at the cost of an igition switch at advacnced...$62.00, I couldn't believe how pricey it is for something like that, that you could get at the junk yard for like 5 bucks
  15. Alright well, after about an hour of using the test light. We thought it was a bad ignition switch b/c all the wires were good except the wire going to the fuse/starter. So we thought it was the igition switch then I remembered that you had to try to turn the engine over to get a accurate reading. So the light turned on when trying to start. So I put everything back together and the car starts now. THe only thing I can think of is maybe the starter was froze up or something? Can any of you guys think of maybe what it could of been?
  16. Alright well cool I'll try that tonight, I'll let you know by 8pm what happened? I gotta get it fixed tonight. But cool thanks
  17. alright well....here's the deal everything worked fine last night and then when I went to start it this morning it wouldn't start. I was getting great signal from battery and I pulled the starter and had it tested at advances and it worked. I checked the fuses and they were ok. I even tried jumping the car and still wouldn't turn over.It's not clicking either when it tries to turn over. ANY SUGGESTIONS?
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