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Everything posted by Benny

  1. This thing is a beast. Everyone at the end of the video in the ride alongs all say the same thing.
  2. Old video but a great one. That LFA sounds AMAZING!!
  3. Looks Good. Ive got to find a place to go look for tile. Depot and Lowes just arent doing it for me.
  4. http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b169/grandamemt/IMG_20101003_015157.jpg
  5. I heard that they can get paid by the foot but not sure how true that is. The part that freaks me out about it is how they free climb without being hooked into anything. Im sure there has to be a decent wind up that high. Hell the only time he hooked in was when he rested.
  6. This is what ya call working with what ya got. Is he trying to go green? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWfzPLeQSAM&feature=FB
  7. I was woozy watching it as well and I do utility work and Ive been a good waze up.
  8. Screw this!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44zk6UQcvEQ
  9. Id say black with a white stripe on the lip. Red wouldnt look back either. If your gonna go with a white and black theme Id do the roof gloss black. The grill looks good black as well. Im doing the whole red and black thing with my car. I just baked and painted my headlights black.
  10. 1982 Mazda RX7. I loved that car. Got it with a bad rotor in it and bought a new motor and me and my dad replaced it when I got it. Not my actual car mine was silver. http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b398/Onlyonthurs/MyFbSide.jpg 2nd car 1984 Buick Regal Limited. When I bought it the V6 was gone and it had a 350 Olds in it. Not my actual car but it was the exact same color. http://cdn.getauto.com/photos/4/155894/1c/1G4AJ47A9EH596382-1c.jpg
  11. You could try to message Dal he owns a business card company. azndalboy
  12. Hes apparently trying to turn things around. http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=5732686
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