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Everything posted by Dan1647545506

  1. Stepping on jizz comes first. Will he id me?
  2. Beer barrell off of market street is very good too.
  3. theres not much. harry's is decent right off of Cable Rd. across from the university. ill see where my friends go, i know they try to hit the nightlife more then i do.
  4. Yenner were on the same page.that's what I ment. It was a general statement. Even people with the right of way can't even give enough respect to move over a lane or slow down. They all tend to just sit there and watch the person try to merge.
  5. I could. Or I could not txt and drive. And my birthday is sep 22
  6. In other words, I never watched it so who cares
  7. AlIf ur under 21 atsome strip clubs u have to wear a shirt. Like dream girls. As for the rental comment ill comment later
  8. 9. dont need full coverage on your vehicle if need to get a rental for an accident or somin.
  9. since ill be 21 soon lets make a list shall we starting with the obvious. add anything. 1. alcohol 2. buy a pistol 3. CCW 4. BAC is raised 5. clubs or bars 6. pay cheaper at strip clubs without wearing a shirt. 7. gamble 8. cheaper insurance maybe im sure theres more
  10. i had it all typed out and deleted it...ahh i hate that. anyway i live in lima but can make the trip down for $15 or maybe some chapotle or somin. usually free on the weekends. Kenmore Fridge, SOLD Kenmore Stove, its pretty old but it all works. $50. http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f340/DanM7890/055-1.jpg Matching Couches, smoke free but it did have dog hair on it, i vacummed and washed the cushions. $150 http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f340/DanM7890/060-1.jpg http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f340/DanM7890/061-1.jpg BT-4 Assualt paintball marker. comes with 20oz, 12oz, mask, hopper, replacement parts w/ oil, plastic case, orignal box and like 1300 balls i have left. $300 http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f340/DanM7890/063-1.jpg http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f340/DanM7890/065-1.jpg http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f340/DanM7890/067-1.jpg Porter Cable compressor with kobalt impact and coil hose. $60. http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f340/DanM7890/077.jpg http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f340/DanM7890/079.jpg Stock r6 exhaust header. $40 http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f340/DanM7890/081.jpg Sumitomo HTR-Z II brand new, was mounted for fitment only. $50 255-45-18 http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f340/DanM7890/075.jpg Giant Bazooka banner $10 http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f340/DanM7890/071.jpg Burton Banner $10 http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f340/DanM7890/070-1.jpg ADDED: I also have very clean black carpet from my rx7. its from a turboII, looking for 140. ill add more as i find stuff.
  11. your post says 20%, flyer says 15%. which is it?
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