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Everything posted by Dan1647545506

  1. whatcha rolling with? heres mine. its Briana Evigan...shes so sexy http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f340/DanM7890/briana-sexy-briana-evigan-16108471-1361-801.jpg i also use this one. http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f340/DanM7890/Aston-Martin-DBS-2008-1-1024x768.jpg
  2. ill sell ya my pancake one
  3. i've been on that website for a little bit. just asking to see what the people who have been there recommend
  4. going there for christmas this year. were staying at the Marriott by the french quarters. whats some ideas on what to see and/or do
  5. yes sir. lol ive always liked the carb'd 600s.
  6. didnt buy it yet, still dont have internet
  7. well guys the time has come for me to start getting rid of everything. im moving to NC and this needs to go. On the last ride of the season i got stranded, she let me down. fuel pump went out and so did the main relay. awesome. well i replaced both and now the fuel pump doesnt come on once ign is turned to on. i ran a bypass wire and the fuel pump kicks right on, the relay clicks over, maybe a bad wire in the harness idk, im stumped. but i have way too many other things going on. has a clear title and everything, nothing as changed. im dropping the price to $1600 as it sits. please pm me.
  8. you run custom roms, underclock and overclocked. theres a few reasons, and wireless teather was what sold me. Rooted FTW
  9. original droid rooted. LOVE it. does 800mhz without a sweat, i wish it did more but i couldnt ask for more.
  10. mooresville. im pretty excited i cant wait to move.
  11. well guys time is coming up to move. please help me get rid of this stuff! send offers!
  12. let me know what you guys have. looking for 5x6-6x10 somewhere inbetween.
  13. http://www.hearingaidmuseum.com/gallery/Carbon/OtherMakes/info/potterideal.htm
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