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Everything posted by jmc3271647545506

  1. i personally filed chapter 7 best thing i ever did my attorney informed me to stay away from chapter 13 my family has done this also economy is ruff if u have any queustions pm me and i will give u my number i will say this my parents baught a new house 3 years out of it
  2. that shit is sad brought tears they do deserve to die in the most painful way
  3. my friend told me last week suvs and trucks were going pretty cheapp at the auction off of 104 ohio auto u might want to try there just fyi might save some money
  4. hey did u end up picking that shell up ?? i wanted to say thanks for having me over the other night thanks for the advise
  5. i need a wideband how does this work compared to the aem version??
  6. me antwon and monty and some others are heading out at 11 just trying to see whos all going ??? looks like good weather 65 degrees
  7. yea thats cool we can meet there and go ride
  8. me and antwon will be there around 630
  9. eric u riding this weekend ???
  10. i live my life a 1/4 mile at a time !!!! oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit nassssssssss
  11. ramsey that shit is funny did u draw it??
  12. yea it's cold out !!!
  13. i'm telling anthony oh wait it's to late to call him ha ha happens to me all the time !!!!
  14. i have a almost new touch it is like 2 1/2 months old looking for an easier phone to use as trade plus cash i paid 249.99 for it with 2 year contract have a case and box with everything to go with it looking for 180 if i just sold it out right thanks john 614-315-6618
  15. my new bike http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj167/johnc0327/mybikelowered.jpg http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj167/johnc0327/myloweredbikepic2.jpg
  16. i met u at ntb cool dude +1 rep from me
  17. he im thinking about riding tomm. if anyone is down for a ride give me a call thanks john 614-315-6618
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