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Everything posted by jmc3271647545506

  1. mike u want to cut the top off of it make it a 1 off custom hey did u shave that bexley beard off yet ha ha
  2. no need for pm my bottom dollar is 5000 cash
  3. bum nobody wants a cheap ls1 car need the money for a bike and beater
  4. i dont have any on my computer only on my phone
  5. i have a 98 trans am , its silver with grey leather in power everything here is wht th car has done to it lets start the price at 5500 only reason im selling is to buy a beater and a bike c6 wheels chrome with nitto drag radials and some radials also 410 gear hurst shifter long tube headers ofy 3in flowmaster catback a cutout that go's with it slp 85 mm maf k&n cold air intake kit newer clutch new tune up the car does have high miles 161??? but i u wouldnt think that if u heard it run overall the body is in good condition has a few ding and scratches let me know if ur interested i will have it out tonight and i do have pics on my phone thanks john 614-315-6618 http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj167/johnc0327/09270914311.jpg
  6. find someone to buy my 98 trans am and i will buy it i want one so bad let me know if u know anyone wanting a ls1 car
  7. for sure street tires that is hit me up !
  8. he just wondering if any one was going out tonight looking to go cruise somewhere .
  9. im going to take my new trans am on friday to see what it runs:confused: anybody else going ???
  10. u throw in some cash and i have a 98 trans am with 6 speed bolt on long tubes etc. let me know
  11. u through in some cash and i have a 98 trans am with 6 speed silver with c6 wheels and long tubes and other bolt ons let me know
  12. u dont want that car sam its junk tranny is all f'd up car is a mess
  13. thanks man i know i suck at typing shit even spelling ha ha
  14. that was the problem with it keept going through alt and there is no maf on the car i know it is all kind of rigged he got it for 3600 from car lot u have to have seen it on graigslist about 6 months ago the guy kept posting it
  15. i think this is my friends old car he baught it from a car lot on the southend of columbus if it is it has around 125000 on it has all kinds of issues he sold it right after he got it just a heads not 100 percent if it is it but looks like the one he had
  16. there is a guy with everything u need on ls1 tech he is asking 2000 for it all
  17. i stopped in and filled out app on friday morning
  18. i got one better for u guys my own dad fired me because my brother and i got into a arguement after work one day on the way home kinda a bad fight between us anyways here i am a month later no job no money my fiance pays for everything right now it really is shitty i just baught this 98 trans am with a ls1 in it i really wanted one we were down to 1 car so i baught this thinkng worst case i could get a job changing oil somewhere ha ha what a joke "FML" i cant find anything plus i live in johnstown nothing to do here
  19. what kind of juice is it ? wet or dry kit ? really interested in it
  20. ill trade u a flowmaster 3in catback for it let me know
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