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Everything posted by MaverickGrabber1972

  1. Looks to me like the trans is binding ..the motor is twisting and flexing pushing the bell against the body and snap …seen this with solid trans mount on the trans and reg old rubber motor mounts. look around the trans tunnel see if you can see where it may be hitting .............something is binding ..its not the case…..TH400 are tuff …now if it was a TH350,,,,,,,,,,, That or the engine mounts are weak and there is to much weight one the trans
  2. I have been up and down brice rd with the mopar nation going on ...never had any problems ...... I’m in a Maverick /Comet group we get together every year and we rent a track for Thursday …and BBQ Friday and have a show on Saturday…. ..Only like 30 or so cars …..but we sit out at night having fun and wishing some locals would come through and want to play …(“instead they drive by revving and making a lot or noise” )….. or just stop and chat …that’s what car guys do …its not just one make or brand ..........if there that stuck up that they don’t see car guys that love cars other then a bunch of re bagged tempest. or lemans....and yes racing them …that’s part of the fun ..But hey to each there own ..we know never to waste our gas going to see tempest and lemans again http://s157.photobucket.com/albums/t75/MaverickGrabber1972/th_100434uq4n9bit6y.gif
  3. put some lights on it and lap everyone around 270:D http://www.mershons.com/resize.asp?path=F:%5CInetPub%5Cmershons%5Cphotos%5C9317.jpg&width=640&height=480
  4. but in a few years it will almost dbl in price ....
  5. good price http://www.mershons.com/resize.asp?path=F:%5CInetPub%5Cmershons%5Cphotos%5C6048.jpg&width=640&height=480
  6. here you go ...and there prices are only going up not down http://www.mershons.com/view_photo.asp?ID=6048&image=Exterior http://www.mershons.com/view_photo.asp?ID=6073&image=Exterior http://www.mershons.com/view_photo.asp?ID=6023&image=Exterior http://www.mershons.com/view_photo.asp?ID=6070&image=Exterior http://www.mershons.com/view_photo.asp?ID=6084&image=Exterior http://www.mershons.com/view_photo.asp?ID=6076&image=Exterior http://www.mershons.com/view_photo.asp?ID=6075&image=Exterior http://www.mershons.com/view_photo.asp?ID=9317&image=Exterior
  7. $9.95 S&H do they ship it with bricks in the box
  8. Classic don't have anything to do with it .....I don’t think anyone should lean...sit...touch anyone’s car unless they have the Ok to do so ...mine is a classic....I keep my eye on it at all times and of other peoples cars I know ..so if I seen someone pissing on my or a friends car …the guy would clean it off ..or be licking it off after I beat the hell out of him
  9. hey your more then welcome to come set them off at my place
  10. when they went through there was no area of the parking lot that had been blocked off that I seen…… crash the GTOAA nats parking lot party about 11:45….they need to go to the ford or Chevy or Mopar nats to learn a little of how to party ….…. for someone to piss on some ones car ….the guy that did it should have his ass beat ……
  11. Was some sort of big Pontiac show going on at a hotel off vantage drive ...so QS&L might be a hot spot
  12. going to QS&L tonight if it dont rain ..lots of Pontiacs out some sort of Pontiac thing going on ....i can bring it with me
  13. he got it for his laptop its DDR2 PC2 4200 533 MHz 200-pin SODIMM DDR2 128x64....same as my dell takes ...looks like he just got it 6-7-07... talked to him he said it worked in his but he took it out a few weeks ago and its been setting around is not sure what could of happened to it ......he is going to take care of it ..and return it to the place he got it
  14. you wont need the memory tester program just wait about 3 min and your laptop will stop working
  15. yeah we can but they work in mine for like 3 min then stop...going to see if he will make it right ..i think there was a problem on the package looks like 6-07 was when he got them
  16. don't lock yet the 2 (1 gig) sticks are no good ....random lockups and after the first 5 min when there warm blue screen and no display ..there bad....so where you want to meet ...the life time warranty is only good for who ever orderd the item from Esmartbuy ...would like my money back and when you get the new memory ill buy it from you
  17. want both 1 gig sticks http://snpi.dell.com/sna/images/products/mlrg/sodimm_DDR_200PIN_K.jpg 200-pin SODIMM DDR2 128x64 SpeedDescriptionPC2-4200 / 533 MHz if yours is the same i want them
  18. if so ill get it to you ..had no clue ,,,just did the hookup on that
  19. what games??not games washer and dryer is the only thing i owe anyone for i think it was your buddys he was moving out..cant remember where.........................if i owe for games what games ?? always pay in full...when i picked up the washer and dryer ...know one had change and did not want to wait for me to get it...so was told ...Worry about it later
  20. 15 bucks ????ill meet you tonight
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