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Everything posted by MaverickGrabber1972

  1. Had it ..lasted about a week maybe 2 ..kind of scary to wake up that way my 1st clue was my coffee tasted bad ….tingly filling then started going numb ..the Dr gave me some kind anti inflammatory pill and steroids … chewed lots of gum on that side ….and keep working your eye trying to get it to move winking ..
  2. thats where picking the correct shot load comes in for what your going after ...thats why i posted its not a slug gun and would be great for turkey shoot ...if he is looking for a good all around gun to have fun with and hunt a Over/Under Dbl would be best ....
  3. you most not know how to shoot :bangbang:
  4. One piece seal?? should be........have seen people put them in the wrong way ....or there is a bur on the crank cutting the seal ....http://autorepair.about.com/library/faqs/bl281e.htm :bangbang:
  5. have not been to a Cruise all year ...only had the car out 4 times this year ...might try to make it ......being out in the sticks sucks for car cruisen...went from 2 or 3 a week to 0
  6. have one but it would cost ya more in gas to pick it up and bring it back ...then it may be worth
  7. it will be here ....you can test it out when you get here ....go out back and find a turkey .....this gun is not a slug gun ...you can not shoot deer slugs with it It’s a factory Full choke... be Good for any kind of shot hunting :bangbang:
  8. Champion arms full choke single shot 12ga $75.00 be great for turkey shoot you pick up http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t75/MaverickGrabber1972/IMGA0032.jpg?t=1175212316
  9. for now yes..... there is a way to program it ..you put it in program mode and drop a coin in and it will take that type of coin ..have not tride just been useing tokens
  10. Sold!!!!! thanks lock it up:bangbang: :bangbang:
  11. not :gtfo: ....they would be indoor outdoor cats out here in the sticks you need cats
  12. about how old ?? they eating dry foods ? if so where can we meet ..ill take all thats left''thanks
  13. how big ? will wait for pics ....might take all of them
  14. my:bangbang: range is free just need ammo and targets
  15. If you’re looking for a church that supports God ..Guns and Gun sports and outdoors & CCW class, hunter safty class…….I know of a great one . http://www.marengochristian.org/index.htm .....There building a shooting range outback …..As for your single six …check out www.Sassnet.com ….:bangbang: .Cowboy Action Shooting is a blast …..if you wan't a place to setup some target or cans and just shoot send me a email ...shoot outback all the time Happy Shooting :bangbang:
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