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Everything posted by MaverickGrabber1972

  1. Thought there may have been more into this
  2. With comments like that:gtfo: …are you legal to have a gun… ..forgot there is no back ground check for mental issues. ......... yet
  3. here is my church website .getting ready for another Walleye Charter & fish fry ...not the norm church when it comes to guns and outdoor sports http://www.marengochristian.org/about_us.htm
  4. Going to check them out and places online …but 1st want to try and get as much as I can second hand …
  5. thanks....been looking in thrift stores.not much there...try not to go broke getting me and the girls setup
  6. thanks...its a lot of fun ..did not think i would like it..one of or church members ask me to come check it out....or church is putting a range in to shoot
  7. trying to get stuff for Cowboy Action Shooting and you need to dress the part looking for new, almost new, used ..cheap .....hats ,boots,chaps ,spurs ...leathers
  8. i'm just getting started ..what fun it is where do you go to get gear ?for ones that don't know what it is http://link.brightcove.com/services/link/bcpid716337934/bclid894153754/bctid1515879297
  9. 120lbs of Rotti answers my door ...ask the fed-x and ups drivers ...they leave the items 30 ft from the door at the end of the walk big dogs FTW http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2352/2158597920_c1c2000ec1.jpg or even bigger http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3290/2458147798_814209a1fa.jpg thats a full size ball http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3217/2458143632_4d186dfbda.jpg
  10. $700 OBO for the pool table with or without the rack ,light,cues
  11. bar sold"" my house out here. when it rains…..if the sump pump don’t work (power failure)the basement gets wet so can’t see putting this stuff down there to take a chance of it getting destroyed $700 OBO Olhausen 8ft ....3 piece slat pool table…….leather cover….and. all was over 7k when bought new 3 years ago and was only used lightly for 1 of the 3 years.......$700 OBO you move ‘’cost about $350 to have the table taken down moved and put back up… that price was from Pataskala to here in Cardington. The closer you are the cheaper it is .. the items are at my old house in Pataskala http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2295/2466812006_208506a9a5_m.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3225/2465994625_2c9a760681_m.jpg http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2313/2466817728_e6b774f27a.jpg better pics here http://www.flickr.com/photos/maverickgrabber1972/sets/72157604885859446/
  12. if you can't get one closer all mine will cost ya is the gas to get it and bring it back....i'm about 10 min north of 36/37 on 71n ////just happens ill have it in C-bus tomorrow we would just need to meet and you would need to return it out here when done ....pm sent
  13. thanks bro ...i'm 99% sure he wants it
  14. why not use the gift cards to get your new system ?? or they wont let you use the gift cards for that ??? just asking
  15. the 4.0 are sort of junk after+- 130000 or so oil problems the GF 97 jeep just took a dump started knocking..... not as strong as ford or gm
  16. trades are fine how old ?marlin 336?how much use
  17. bump........can shoot before you buy ...on pick up
  18. can carry a ok group but not fast. ..DEFENSIVE handgun ...... its is just that pull the trigger it goes bang......
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