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Everything posted by MaverickGrabber1972

  1. i seen ya nice sounding GTO....
  2. was sort of a weak night ...not much going on ....linn ran all the kids off early from QS&L
  3. its only around the lake mentor area close to cleveland thats the only area that echecks ..they started back in the late 90s ...have buddy up around there and a few years back they droped the echecks in his area east of mentor...but there talking a state wide ...hope it dont happen ...but as i said theres money in it for them
  4. has to be 23 years or older for Collector plates i think ..i know mine it did ..there good for 45 years:p:D
  5. if its been like other states there was no modifications to be grandfathered..they just give you like 1 year to fix it
  6. Ohio talking E-check ....Heard on the radio and know one knows how hard it will be pushed. But…. there’s money in it for the state with fee’s and tax’s so you know they will push it …there trying to say there’s a lot of smog in Ohio. So the question ?? Will your car pass if they get to hard ass ….i know my 1972 car that ran on regular type gas will;) ...how about yours ...and how much you think it would take to get it to pass ...if they do the all parts has to be 50 state certified
  7. baseball bat i hear they work great ...need to roll mines as well
  8. in your price 10k or less a ford or Gm full size..if your wanting to do any kind of working the truck like towing unless its a single jetski.or a 12 foot john boat..get a full size...i got my 05 f150 last year with 2500 miles on it and 4 year bumper to bumper for 10k out the door ...its a base model but it gets 17-18 mpg pulling my car on the trailer thats around Ky not ohio flat road..and the newer brake systems are great
  9. My brother is in used cars at Hatfield kia I know he has great deals for the people I send to him being a sales manager ..he can do it //p.m me ill give you his number or call up there and ask for Tim Moore in used cars
  10. stay away from dodge unless it comes with a 10 year bumper to bumper ...they have bad brake problems and front end .....i love my fords but...if it was me and i had the $$$ i think i would look at one of the new toyota full size
  11. one point to another and the 1st one there wins…… the only way to do it ….spot out cars to make up any deference’s…….how do you know the guy your rolling with Speedo is right?? 0-100 and yours is a little slow and his is fast from a gear change…he shuts down @ 100 and wins …but only did 93mph……roll racing don’t really prove one car has more power then another unless your using the same gearing for instance my car hits the rev limit @6700 rpm with my 3.80 gears and c4- 3 speed auto ..puts it around 135 max Mph
  12. they have been working to clear it up....they are saying that it maybe to clean for some of the fish ....carp??
  13. where in Hilliard????...long drive for me i may be free to go....sounds like fun ..love car shows ..mine is not a stang.... but its a FORD
  14. im in the sticks and still get cable and road runner..thank god
  15. dig -roll its all fun ..i myself like the dig ..my car is more setup to dig then roll race.and i know how to drive it ..but ill do what ever for fun
  16. Someone said it smelled like trans fluid
  17. sure did:D sprayed trans fluid all over and he forgot to tie the other 400 horse's to the truck
  18. yeah my car sucks at roll racing unless its like 15-20mph but it looks good
  19. 1. My Dad 2. John Wayne = The Duke 3. Elvis Presley = The King 4. Clint Eastwood 5. Sylvester Stallone 6. Henry Ford 7. James Stewart = Jimmy Stewart 8. Randy Travis 9. Gene Autry 10. John Force
  20. they had to make room thats where the sonic and walmart is i think
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