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Everything posted by MaverickGrabber1972

  1. Got last year very little use Hobart Welder, MIG, Aluminum and Flux-Cored Wire Feed, Handler 135® 500414 was close to $700 new welder & cart and large tank for gas witch is still full $500...obohttp://img.epinions.com/images/opti/e0/3a/Hobart_500414_115_Volt_135_Amp_Handler_135_Welder_Shop_Tools-resized200.jpg
  2. paid over $500 new less then 2 years ago 19 oz Its in the FAL13 series very little use $250....obo http://www.falconpoolcues.com/http://www.fordmaverick.com/uploads/P1010027.JPG
  3. if it was me i would look into the LCD lot more use with out burn out ....plasma ]dim after about 2-4 years depends on how long you leave them on…they say they last longer but I know a few restaurants and bars they have had there’s for under 3 years and have went very dark ...don’t believe what they say … unless they will warranty it ..you may have looked into all this ........if so sorry …..i looked into it and just got a 65” crt :thumbup: http://www.flattvpeople.com/tutorials/lcd-vs-plasma.asp
  4. yeah looked on ebay found one for 99 and 199 ....for that i would just get a new or used one ......picked one up tonight thanks
  5. sounds good ...see what all comes with it and how old ....a new premium systems are 399 ...
  6. not to but in ...but i we need a appraiser for a place we are getting in cardington,oh ...not sure the going price is to have it done ..
  7. working or not ....I need parts to fix the cd tray on mine ...or ill have to get a new one:(
  8. can’t cut the mustard you can always lick the jar
  9. the track was a 8th mile ...my best was 7.67@99mph could not get it to hook up best 60 182:confused: .. then....found my alternator was locked up cheap $100 junk:mad:
  10. no prob guy glad to help you wont know its back there till you go to stop:eek: without the breaks hooked up
  11. [/url] http://www.fordmaverick.com/uploads/Showview.jpg all mavericks http://www.fordmaverick.com/uploads/2006_07_27_00622.jpg http://www.fordmaverick.com/uploads/2006_07_27_00910.jpg http://www.fordmaverick.com/uploads/2006drags04-00_original.jpghttp://www.fordmaverick.com/uploads/2006drags22-00_original.jpg
  12. i have one ...18ft with 2ft dove ill pm you my number
  13. you would have to call him ..the boxs i seen of tint said something solar something .....he has a sign out front 2 windows $50
  14. its out off sr310 just south of 70 .....call set up Appointments mon-fri and Saturdays and Sundays and evenings Good prices and great work….tell him David Moore told you The address craig 10517 Hazelton-Etna rd (740)739-0204 if no answer leave mesg he will call back he did a great job on my new truck yeah almost forgot he’s a ford nutt too:D
  15. mav 3-15 on 94 and 110 mix 05 f150 4.2 5speed man.. 23 highway 18 around town
  16. looks like the rain is going to be out tonight
  17. Sounds a little odd.....But they will do stuff like that ......if it was me I would spray a little starting or brake parts cleaner around that area.....See if it sucks it in ...may have a little vacuum leak
  18. reciever dont work right you have turn it wide open to here it
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