like i said,,, Nothing is in the bag......:burn: till it’s in the bag....
next time should try a Hefty or Glad bag
The sams area would be good ..for a few weeks any ways ...everyone just needs to meet there.. besides going to the places there kicking everyone out .... the roads around 161 and 270 suck
well i was out sat and sunday but not in my car to wet ......your the one that said:rolleyes:
Originally Posted by NTHER91
ill be there with the Busa and i got some guys that are wanting to get some high speed footage with the new camera mount. Who wants to see what 200mph looks like?
all in all there should be like 5 of us (that will be able to keep up)
You was the one talking going out and doing 200mph…..........GROW UP.:asshole: . was thinking/typing out loud if your dumb enough to drive like that when its been as wet as its been…(you do know the road may look dry in spots ....but there NOT you must not like to drive on slick roads..hay its even more fun in the snow ) ....then you need to dump it ….would not want you to get hurt …just a little road rash ..hope you don’t hurt anyone doing it ...and i know better then to drive my car in the rain
have a great day
11-1 on 93 with iron heads you must have the timing way back or get alot of spark knock.....i run 94 min with 35 deg total timing it knocks if i run 93...i have Alum heads----11-1/4-1
ran out to the westside...see if i could find where they get together ...only place i seen any cars was rat bugers on broad ,,,,to small of lot it was packed ...but only about 20 cars or so
I tried everything long burn outs …short ones ……in the water out of the water ……..the car in all but one pass ….. was hooking better on rt40 then on the track :burn: It was fun