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Everything posted by matris77

  1. That is weird, the video just worked for me this time but I didn't see what you described.
  2. Yeah I get the "Requested streaming media could not be found" error as well.
  3. matris77

    Beer here

    Guinness is already sounding good to me this morning....
  4. How about for a 2nd gen DSM full detail (exterior, interior, engine bay)?
  5. Maybe they are running the server on a Macbook Air?
  6. That is ridiculous. I just read through the thread and I was going to have him try the telnet. Give us stats from "tracert www.ohio-firearms.com" and "tracert www.google.com". If you can access the site just fine from your laptop when you are at work the problem should lie with your home internet connection. Just to clarify when you use your laptop at work are you wired or wireless? Have you noticed any problems with any other sites from home?
  7. Sorry I didn't stay real long, just being smart, you know what I mean.
  8. So far 2 tanks in my car: 1st tank 20 2nd tank 24 I am still being nice since there are a couple of things that I need to take care of....
  9. matris77

    New Guy.

    welcome, import here as well lol
  10. Not carless anymore, DSM owner now.
  11. What color is the Accord and the GTP?
  12. email pics please matris@gmail.com
  13. Does it do it in safe mode? Run msconfig and check out what all is in the startup. Check out all the stuff that is in there and if there any ones that you have a question about post em. Try disabling some and seeing if your box still has the problem.
  14. matris77

    95 Integra GSR

    ping are you alive?
  15. I generally just go back home for shooting.....
  16. Well not right now, I had that car when I originally signed up for the site, but never posted before. I am carless ATM.
  17. email pics to matris@gmail.com please
  18. matris77

    New guy

    Figured I would post here and say hi, new guy to the forums.
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