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Everything posted by TheHaze

  1. Take 315N past 270 and it starts getting good.
  2. Big business: fine by me Big government: not so much a turn on I realize the government isn't what it used to be and some of this is okay by me. I don't want a government that can regulate a business just because other people aren't making money off of it. Someday I hope to have a business. I hope I can move about for what's in MY best interest. Not certain citizens. Can Haliburton's moves along with any other relocatee company affect my tax situation? I suppose, but that's not their fault. That's our tax-loving government's fault. Now, I can understand you having beef with Haliburton sepcifically and all the fraud with their Iraq contracts. But I'm addressing ONLY about their move to relocate.
  3. You have to register to view the classifieds on ohiodrifting. A lot of forums are that way.
  4. Before you go ahead and try to insult me more, I actually looked around a bit for "Welfare for the Rich". Is it a book, an article, something else? I've found little to nothing while looking for that. I'm a little confused at why an ex-militaryman would be using his served time as a "bragging right" to someone who hasn't served. Anyone in this country living their life, excercising their rights is in no way a "pussy". I'm not sure if it makes you feel macho or what but it was uncalled for. I apologize for my previous post, as I was just posting a random blurb, as I have seen you do quite a bit in others' posts: once again, sorry, I was unaware that as non-military personel, I can't do that. I've found a lot of information about this Chomsky fellow. Interesting to see he has a lot of anarchistic beliefs and is really against anything labeled as "conservative." I do agree with him that nobody in our nation today is truly conservative, in the original sense; they left generations ago. Now to about this subject: this is a free market. You can call this country anything you want but you know as well as I do that it's not communistic. That era is for the most part, over. So why hold any corporation here then? You're free to move about. Every business owner posseses ownership for one reason: to make money. Any true entrepreneur is in it for that reason. No, I don't see a problem here. I see a problem with taxes. I understand we won't get away from taxes, for a long time. Hell, some taxes are actually needed for good things. I see taxes going to helpless people, hopeless prison systems, housing projects that never get completed..etc. This is where the problem lies; not with people trying to make money.
  5. It wasn't a point. I was making a suggestion as you seem very interested in relocating. What else would you like to know about my post? The font type? Where I posted from?
  6. Didn't some guy countersue the riaa for accessing his computer without proper permission? those haxxorz! James Hetfield is a little bitch.
  7. http://9.content.collegehumor.com/d1/ch6/9/9/collegehumor.65d48089806d0fdce9a81519553fefc9.jpg
  8. Not true, I work there. In fact I ran a gift card the other day from 2002. It still had all $100 on it.
  9. My brother worked at one. He liked it because it didn't make him "feel like a dirty fast food worker."
  10. He could slightly kneel and be able to do an oil change.
  11. I recieved a no points speeding ticket 7 months ago and just 2 days ago I got a letter saying my insurance will be increasing for that ticket. Damn myself.
  12. They were hibernating. It's believed that titties become perkier that way.
  13. Say you had a friend tow it off a truck hitch. Have them write it on paper as a reciept.
  14. 240sx's have a little door to get to them through the hatch/trunk area. If it were my car, I'd do it the "hack" way in case anything else happens to the pump again.
  15. Very true. Therefore a follow up equation would look something like this: More titties = win
  16. TheHaze


    Nice source... Maybe I misunderstood that but... More than 30 times in what? 6 years? How many phone calls are made in our nation per day? That hardly seems harsh to me.
  17. Seriously, isn't that gap rediculous? I'm gonna pick up some springs here soon, just to lower it. I really like how it handles already. I'd like something along the lines of this stance: http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l17/mikehaze_2006/MX-5/rays57f.jpg
  18. TheHaze


    I don't believe specifically phone calls are regulated like that. Certain things cause government agenices to investigate. My friend's dad was doing business over the phone a while ago and he had a 2 hour phone conference to someone in Germany. Someone contacted him a day later and asked him a couple of questions about it and he checked out after a couple minutes. I'm okay with this sort of checkup because I could see how that is suspicious. I do somewhat agree. though, that some security measures are going a bit far.
  19. Double post in my own thread! I just realized flash was on in that reflection pic. Could that be why those sparkles appeared?
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