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Dr. Apex

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Posts posted by Dr. Apex

  1. I've enjoyed every minute of being in Arizona. Cost of living is about the same or less. Phoenix has everything you'd want in a city pretty much but if you want to live rurally there's a ton of places to be alone. Weather is great, no earthquakes, tornados, tsunamis, or much of anything else really. Endless places for outdoor activities etc...
  2. I liked it. It's rare for a remake or conversion if you will like this to live action without it being a "reimagining" or "reinterpretation" of the original like so many these days. This stays far more true to the original but still felt fresh to me.
  3. Fans of the original anime movie probably know there is a live action version coming out this coming spring. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1219827/


    I found out about a prescreening about it last week and jumped on the opportunity to see it. It's not entirely complete with a lot of visual elements not finished but otherwise the film is done. I had to sign a non-disclosure agreement and such to see it. What I can tell you is if you're a fan of the original like I am you will probably like this. Some I hear don't like Sarge being played by Scarlett Johanssen but I found her in the role just fine. Within 15mins I felt like I was watching the original film. It really captures the mantra of the anime and is true to it for all the parts that count. Definitely worth the watch when it comes out in spring 2017.


    Just thought I'd share.

  4. Damn, you're just having no luck at all. This is my fear in having an accident, I'd prefer a minor fender bender or a complete total, anything in between is just scary to think about the possibilities. I've been lucky so far in no accidents though I just got a fresh scratch on my rear bumper at the grocery store.
  5. Let it die and give us a 2 seat sports car with a hellcat v8.


    While this makes more power it isn't a Viper if you ask me, it has to be a V-10 to be a Viper which is why I think a smaller 4 or 5 liter engine is in order and shrink the car down a good bit, but I'm sure some would argue that isn't a Viper either....

  6. Yep, that was during the 1995 World Rally Championship season. They got a 1 year ban for using illegal turbo restrictors on their ST205 Celica GT-Four WRC (not that you're ever going to see one of those anywhere). :rolleyes:


    Nope, those are unicorns!! I thought it was around then, couldn't remember for sure, thanks! Weren't they getting quite a bit more boost out of those things? Something like 100hp more?

  7. Some video from my track weekend at Inde Motorsports Ranch down in Wilcox, AZ. It's a great facility, really well kept. The track is challenging with heavy transitions and blind crests, drawback is its a bit bumpy and quite hard on tires.


    This was my 1st time on this track, no mods to the Mustang yet.


  8. When you use an apostrophe in a year, it goes before the numbers because it's taking place of "19", so in this case it's '83.. unless you're talking about the model year 8300 Corvette, in which case you would be correct that no parts exist for those yet.


    You're quite bored aren't you?


    I was going to add that too, except there is ONE 1983 Corvette. It's at the Corvette museum (if they managed to fish it out of that sink hole). So technically, there are parts for an '83 Vette. All of them just happen to be ON the '83 Vette.


    Touche! Didn't know that but not surprised at all!!

  9. No need to pay for something you won't use in 4K. The refresh rate does matter a bit, unless you're gaming a lot 240 is a bit much and you'll run into picture quality issues as most movies and such are filmed at something like 60hz, I'm regretting my 240hz.


    You can find some stellar good deals on something like a Samsung, non-smart in a 60hz in that size, I've been looking at just that range myself.

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