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Everything posted by TuRbO5.0

  1. nothing set in stone $40 for each 20 gallon with everything...long one has a nice stand with doors 20 for 10gallon with everything (including fish) lol $100 for everything i have
  2. i have the following fish tanks with accessories for sale 20 gallon long tank 20 gallon hexigon tall tank 10 gallon regular tank stangbro01@yahoo.com make offers
  3. never said he called colt out, just sayin he's talkin big like he's gonna wax the colt... and im not even sure thats gonna happen. as much shit as JP talks he does have a car to back it up, even if it is a colt lol. everyone needs to get off of personal stuff and and go back to making fun of cars
  4. and he feels cool if he beats a DODGE COLT with all that stuff :funny: do yourself a favor and dont blow the vette up trying to beat anyone..
  5. supra-vette vette drivers ego :funny: im sure if the zo6 hangs with the colt..... well the supra god i love nutswinging :woowoo:
  6. any pics? stangbro01@yahoo.com very interisted thanks
  7. MadMalibu, you seem like a very angry person :chill:
  8. and an el camino is supposed to be?
  9. somone needs to start a sticky... no reply's just a list of matchups confirmed and posted by a moderator.
  10. Imo they only look decent on 99+ anything below that the 95 r's for me. y2k's on a foxbody :jerkit:
  11. i didnt know wheels had an expiration date on them, they may not be the best for that style but they are still nice wheels.
  12. nutswinging is a fun new hobby and quickly becoming a trend :woowoo:
  13. my money's on the colt... oh shit i dont have any money so im just guessing on the colt from the sprayed vette's i've seen im not impressed
  14. oh and if you have more pictures send some to stangbro01@yahoo.com thanks
  15. any possible way he would sell as a roller? if it was income tax time i would buy the whole thing and swap my powertrain into it.. i want a coupe bad, i do have my gt hatch i would trade rollers if he wants.
  16. looks like a nice azz coupe, if i had the cash i would get it now.
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