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Everything posted by TuRbO5.0

  1. sorry guys, the thing didnt send me any reply notices.. i still have them all the hexigon tank dont have a stand, both are wood color the 20 long has a nice wood stand, i have a few pumps, filters. gravel and a heater, i dont care what tank they go with just tell me what you want when it gets picked up. thanks
  2. or in this case....swap blowers http://seanhylandmotorsport.com/images/03cobra2.jpg
  3. 4v modmotors own...... build the bottem end and throw on a power adder of your choice....... nothing else needed.
  4. arney painted my old show truck... he does good work
  5. thank god for a black broke turd?? man i wish i had the attitude of an f-body owner lol.
  6. there is your reason....you answered your own question. i prefer heads up but if you dont like bracket racing dont do it!
  7. its not gay, it makes it fun for everyone not just the people with money....but what would you know about appreciating that.
  8. ha, who ever said anything about a 5.0??
  9. ahh spray, my car likes that stuff too although i dont think ill need it
  10. haah let me guess, it will say for 4k and he wants sam to cash it... keep the $100 and send him back the rest? lmao
  11. and this was the post that didnt make any sense
  12. can you figure out your cars combo?
  13. cool, whats your combo, im always up for some fun.... let me know later
  14. huh? didnt understand. i stooopid lol
  15. long 20 gallon comes with a nice wood stand with doors, rocks, heater, filter, top with light, pump and background. 10 gallon comes with gravel, decorations, filter, top with light and fish if you want them hexigon tank comes with new gravel, nice sand rock and top with light. these parts can interchange and the buyer may add extra's, i will take pics asap
  16. haha, dont worry, even if your new motor has a chance againgst my stock one...i will have a new settup by then :woowoo:
  17. REDNECK-SCOTT, you seem to have a pretty consistant mouth, are you going to be out racing this year? you just cracked on my favorite rap artists
  18. i still say $1000 is crazy!!! im gonna go puke now :barf:
  19. i thought it was $1000 ? lol owell 100 is way better
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