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Everything posted by bigflee

  1. I live right off 665 also and see this car all the time.
  2. exactly what I was thinking
  3. I just want the rims. Interested in selling/trading those ?
  4. No tickets were issued last month it was just a trial period to see how many people were speeding/running red lights. Begining of July is when they started ticketing people.
  5. Its in WV what do you expect ? Rob when I saw this I instantly thought of you.
  6. Found this on craigslist thought it would be fun. I would almost promise you could get this cheaper. Its not mine just thought I would post it for anyone that might be interested. http://parkersburg.craigslist.org/cto/1241715957.html
  7. Do you happen to have the model number ?
  8. I appologized but one of the moderators must of deleted it. Good luck with the sale. Bump
  9. Clean title ? Is the molding missing ?
  10. Haha If I was broke last thing on my want list would be a $500 cell phone !
  11. Here is a link to my craigslist ad so you can directly see the picture. http://columbus.craigslist.org/pts/1186694966.html
  12. No problem picture has been sent ! You can't get these at a junk yard for this price.
  13. Did you read the whole post ?? Pm me with your email address and i'll send you a pic.
  14. Only have 3 keeping one as a spare. Tires still have a little life left in them but not a whole lot thats the reason I am getting rid of these found a good deal on a rim/tire package. Looking for $150 for the 3. Would consider trades or breaking them up. If you are interested please pm me with your email address and i'll get you a picture to you asap. Thanks !
  15. I actually saw a black one of these on 71S today. It was dirty as hell but nice looking car.
  16. I need a set of black visors for a 94-98 vert. They need to be in great condition. Thanks guys...
  17. Jerrodh how you gonna charge me $30 when you listed it for sale for $25 ????
  18. Rob plug that bad boy in and see if it works for me !!!!
  19. I need one with a Cd player the one I am using now has a record player on it lol ! The cheaper the better.
  20. I am not trying to hate in any way but I have seen them for 159.99 new online.
  21. Rob I don't want you to move. I got the directions to your house down pat now.
  22. I'm sure it would of led to being full-time once you put your time in.Most people right now would of loved to be told they can work weekends and longer hours. Netflix is a very fast growing company they are putting blockbuster out of business I would of tried to stick it out it being a new warehouse you could of moved up pretty quick prob.
  23. bigflee

    getting gears

    Rob or 614 Streets
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