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Everything posted by boosted98gst

  1. Im in the process of moving to california (90 more days) even tho I lived there before, Ive gone back 3 times to check housing. I know places in california you see online look great in the pictures, and they are dead center in the hood, and look nothing like the pic's. The job thing was haunting me too, I was holding out the move until I had a job lined up. The uhaul should run you around 1200-1500 bucks depending on size, then add fuel and hotels.
  2. I will get them for you tonight, and sorry the gas cans are gone. Pm sent
  3. Said they lived together, wonder wtf happend with that.
  4. Hahaha yeah, didnt they just have their first tour in the states? They crack me up
  5. This came up too, I watched it two times and was like whoa.
  6. ahhh man you're making me freak out, im moving here in a few months back to california. I was already in the landers earthquake in 92 and now you have me thinking all crazy lol.
  7. We are in some serious shit then too, Look what we americans did to all the native people.
  8. Holy shit that song sucks!! hahaha I seen this made the front of yahoo's page this morning.
  9. Oh my that was pretty damn funny, I wonder how he can keep a straight face lol
  10. Yes it is, just let me know when you can pick it up.
  11. Hahahahaha no shit! That video is so fucking weird
  12. Geeez I could not even imagine watching that huge amount of water coming toward me! Amazing how strong mother nature can be, pushing cars, homes and boats around like nothing.
  13. sorry my phone was left in my car, I will call you during the day monday is that ok? weedeater's are gone. The couch is in really good shape, I mean the bed part of it was only slept in maybe 2 times when family was here from japan a few years back. No stains or dog or smoke smell. You're more then welcome to come over anytime, im in between jobs so im here and free whenever. Just text me and let me know. Thanks guys.
  14. No shit that was weird as hell!
  15. he reminds me of this old japanese lady I use to see at the park.
  16. All the garden stuff/ gas cans and big shop vac is gone, but the chainsaw. Mike I did not recieve a call today, if you still want the de humidfier and chainsaw let me know.
  17. Thats really good to hear, glad everyone safe!!!
  18. Japan and other countrys raised more in private donations then american's did for katrina. A possible answer would prolly be a fucking lazy fuck country. just look at the funds countrys put towards disaster relief, ours is a fucking joke .
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