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Everything posted by boosted98gst

  1. sweet I have a few questions. What size tires? is the rx7 IRS?
  2. +1 for another 240, welcome.
  3. Great times, that must be one crazy ride.
  4. Yeah if its that sleeved bullshit my friends accord sounded like crap. I have no idea on the brand but they were from ebay.
  5. Just like people said make sure the spring perch is snug. I run a hard coilover and im slammed 4 inches and they do not make a sound. On all my suspension ive ever had it has never been loud.
  6. looks clean, not my cup of tea but I respect the clean work.
  7. To be honest I would not take out that big of a loan for that old of a car, but thats just me. If your credit is good you can get more then what kbb from banks loan out.
  8. Yeah ive contacted brad a few times, when I felt unsafe or needed help. The best bet for me was to leave the house and it seemed to stop. Brad thanks for sharing that story, I know you have more.........please share some more.
  9. One more thing about that story you said seeing some guy on the side of the road. A member on here I use to go over and hang out at his house almost everyweekend. His father told me he was woke up in the middle of the night to what he said sounded like " bloody murder screams" from a girl , he said he jumped out of bed and looked out the window and seen a girl running down the sr4. He jumped up because he either thought there was a bad wreck or someone was hurting her. As he ran out the door he said he swears nothing was out there when he herd and seen the person.
  10. I know how you feel , sometimes when I think about it myself I think there is no way this happend to me. Just like you said about the door I had somthing happen real similar and I had 6 other witness to this. This was in the same house my friend who passed away complained of ghost and seeing his own reflection . Still to this day I do not know what happen that night but we herd what sounded like someone walking up or down stairs in this big open house. We kept thinking a buddy was trying to set us up and have someone run up on us and scare us, because he kept texting someone that night. I myself checked the locks on this house and everyone was closed and locked and everyone of us was in the loft in this house. We all were watching stupid videos on the internet I was the closest to the door. It all happend so fast that all I did was jump up with my fist in the air ready to swing at anything. I myself did not see the door knob turn, but I did hear it. It sounded like if someone opens a door knob and just lets go , then the door opened about 2-3 feet and slammed shut. I mean with alot of force....... The whole weird thing about it was it did it with super fast fast fast speed and was so silent after wards, it took us all about 20 seconds before someone screamed "what the fuck"
  11. Ive had over 10 dsm's in the past 9 years, you need to do a full tune up before anyone will buy it, Thats dsm number one rule on a car that will fuck you. Good luck
  12. I dont know how much your wanting to spend but the 280z is pretty expensive. .
  13. I dont know why but that made me crack up for like 5 minutes. so funny.
  14. Good storys, I know some people have more.
  15. MArysville gets all the douche bag cops I swear.
  16. No matter how you look at it, having a 500 whp 4 cly is not going to be cheap or anything close to it. Even a nice twin or triple plate clutch to support that power is going to set him back 3k. and the post above is the truth just go buy an evo if he wants that type of awd car, it will do it alot more easy.
  17. Wow great story, I watch alot of the ghost shows and ive herd several where people are left money in weird situations. Sounds just like one of them!
  18. Even since I moved into that house , Ive felt ive never had a good nights rest , and that im always in some weird half dream like state. When I got out of the military I kept having re-occuring dreams about a fire, and things burning and after me and my grilfriend moved out and got a house it burned down jan 19 of this year. I dont know but my greatgrandma was a scary old woman that told me that our family had a curse on it, she seen her own dad kill her mom with an ax then hang himself. I know its hard to believe anything that does not happen to you, but I know for a fact somthing does live or reside among us. Btw my mother is mostly the only one that see's the spirit, in the 10+ years she has seen it 4 times. in 2007 while at work I was talking to a guy who said a guy was killed wiring my parents land . He was zapped I even found the artice online.
  19. This is the last part I skipped alot because I have so many. This is the summer of 2006 I am not going to say names because some that are involved are on this site and im just not going to share names. Me and my friend go over to a buddys house he just got a new motorcycle and I wanted to check it out. There is a total of 10 or so guys hanging out drinking beers. my buddy that just bought the bike just went to college and moved into a big house in bexely with 5 other guys. Well he ends up moving out 2 weeks later without telling anyone of us. We have no idea why so I figured id ask him that night. As he hands me a beer he tells me a my friend with this blank stare " im going to die on this thing" He was the type never to say anything like that so me and my other buddy just looked at each other like what the hell. That night I tryied to figure out why he just moved out with out telling us, he told us he would tell us later that he did not want to get into it. After a bit he goes back inside and one of the guys comes up and say's man he thinks he has been seeing ghost in the house , thats why he just left. All I say is "really" welp that night I end up drinking way too much and go home , my buddy stayed the night because he could not drive. We woke up about 12 that after noon to our friend caleb calling in a crazy voice, saying " aaron just was on his way to delaware and was hit" " dude im not even bullshitting hes dead". Welp aaron was on his way to some delaware shop to get his bike tuned up, his mom was following him and he was hit by an elderly lady and killed on the bike he just got......... I never herd what really happend but that fall I ended up staying at that house in bexly. I had some of the most crazy shit happen to me in this house that one night . One of my buddys was so scared he was shaking like a scared little kid. Im not going to lie , out of all the stuff ive been through I was so scared.
  20. As I talk with the dispatcher , I tell her my mom called me saying someone is in the house walking around and she herd banging, so maybe they came through a window, she took the address and the cops were on there way. As I pull up to the home , I get there the same time as 2 police cruzers show up, They tell me to stay in the car . I let my mom know the police are here and she is very calm and say's ok I can see the lights outside. After 2 hours past my mom is out and police have searched the whole place no forced entry, nobody in the house, no footmarks on the dewy grass. Now my mom is confused she is like im not crazy , I herd someone inside the house clear as day. This was the start for my mom with the spirit/ghost/ in this home. Time goes by its now dec 25th 2004 a day I will never forget because my mom finally see's the what she calls the " ghost". We have family over and a big dinner, after everyone is done they all travel back to my grandma's , me and my mom stay home. I ended up taking a nap on the couch and she was doing laundry. My mom thought I got up because she watched a tall slender man in our kitchen, she said he had a thin build and looked like me from behind, she said he was facing our freezer then turned around to face the sink as if he was going to wash his hands. My mom noticed he had no facial features and from the shoulders up it was distorted looking she could not make anything out. She said she watched this for about 15 seconds and as it happend she noitced it was so silent, like nothing .
  21. My grammer sucks so bare with me, growing up I always thought that spirits and ghost were not real, they just were movie roles or fake made up story's. As I moved to ohio from california when I was 15 my parents had there dream home built on a peice of land in little marysville ohio. After we moved in 6 months after they started is when we had a chain of events that led up present 2009. First I started with having issues with what I thought misplacing items, things I knew I put in a spot to just have either lost or found in some other weird place. Then we had an old 60's RCA radio that was my greatgrand mothers would turn on in the middle of the night( was just the 2 knob deal) . AFter a few months go by I started to tell my mom about some of the weird issues, at the time my parents were so busy with work they just blew me off and asked if I was taking drugs. They even took me into a mill center to have me drug tested and talk to a councelor. untill I was about 17 years old nothing ever happend to anyone else but me. When I was in highschool my girlfriend at the time had bad parents and would always be at my parents house, eating dinner, or just hanging out She was the only one who really truley believed the stuff happening to me. This really made me dislike my parents alot because I felt they did not trust me or I was just trying to get attention or somthing. This shit went on night after night. Fastforward till 2003 I leave for college , my dad is a truck driver who is never home. My mom is the only one home. One friday night I come back from dinner to check my cell phone to see I have 10 missed call's and messages from my mom. All I herd was " someone is in the house they are banging on the walls" im like WTF im freaking out my mom is japanese so somtimes its hard to understand what she says because her accent , so I calm down and maybe I miss understoof her. Me and my room-mate jump in my car we are flying down 33 when she finally call back. She has this weird tone to her voice and she says "jason someone keeps pounding and walking around the house" (my mom never gets scared, or in my lifetime this might be one of the most scared ive ever been, my mom always has a logical answer for everything). I ask her what do you mean pounding and walking like outside or inside? She tell me jason the noise is coming from inside the house and I can hear footsteps on the hardwood floor. Now im really freaking out im thinking there is some scum bag inside trying to maybe kill her or rob her(we have had others robbed close by). I told my mom to hold on and I called 911 from my friends phone
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