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Everything posted by 996gangsta

  1. As for the black car it was totaled last year racing some bikes down south... Not the same car.
  2. I could care less, the car has already been discussed numerous times on CR...
  3. Steve I am unsure why you always think I don't drive my cars no one has ever driven my GT2 or raced it, I let Linn pull the car out and I drove it home, is there a problem? Here you are trying to start shit on CR which has nothing to do with you yet you fucking beg me and everyone else to give you good rep points and post in your thread in the oven so they could let you back onto this forum...
  4. The thread topic has to do with the fucking races on Saturday, not the supra...
  5. Which has nothing to do with this thread...
  6. What does this video have to do with this thread...?
  7. , too bad mike backed down from his race...should have known...
  8. , we can run it back for cash anytime bud...
  9. He lost on motor though...
  10. Best night of racing in a long time... Jamie good runs, JP we will make a trip up there in the next few weeks.
  11. Erik the car looks great, can't wait to see it in person. Do you still have any of your bikes, if so we need to ride soon.
  12. Yea, those were all the cars from the lambo car show over at Nelson on Saturday. They cruised from Nelson down to Spice bar.
  13. ha, my hands look so big compared to Titan's body
  14. There is no point in arguing George...you work a minimum wage or close too it at a mattress place. There is no way in hell you can afford your six figure condo which is nicely furnished, your Kenne Bell lightning, your scion which you bought brand new, as well as your motorcycle, or your insurance ect. Who are you trying to fool...
  15. Thats like calling the kettel black, didn't your mom just pay off your lightning? I know she bought your kenne bell too, as well as your nice condo in New Albany...don't forget about your little black toaster on wheels as well. Seems like the only thing you pay for is gas money...
  16. George I'm not wasting my gas running your turd....
  17. Haha, whats up man, how you been? BTW, love the new whip
  18. Thats what I said... Yea, I hooked him up with a fairly good deal cause hes a friend
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